NLC2000 Conference Proceedings (Full Papers)

(All papers download as pdf files)


ISBN: 0 902831 38 0

Copyright 2000: Lancaster University and University of Sheffield

Keynote| Conference Papers/Posters | Acknowledgements



The role of a university in a dot com society: what is it?
Dale Spender


1. The University of the Highlands and Islands Project: A model for networked learning?
Veronica Adamson and Jane Plenderleith

2. Changing Concepts and Educational Paradigm in the Frame of ODL
Pia Guttorm Andersen and ale Hansen

3. Is There a Difference? Contrasting experiences of face to face and online learning
Mireia Asensio, Vivien Hodgson and Kiran Trehan

Choosing NVivo to Support Phenomenographic Research in Networked Learning
Mireia Asensio

5. The Costs of Networked Learning - An interactive workshop
Charlotte Ash and Paul Bacsich

Building a Distributed, Asynchronous Learning Environment
Colin Baldwin

7. An Investigation and Design of Networked Learning in Inner-City Leeds
Tim Barker and Rachel Pilkington

Choosing a Virtual Learning Environment for the University of Bristol
Sian Bayne, Julian Cook and Ros O'Leary

9. Institutional Readiness for Implementing Network Technology
Aidan Black, Hazel Derbyshire, Jackie Knowles a 'Keefe, Phil Poole, Merce
Rius Riu and Jie Shen

10. Networked Professional Development: Issues for recipients and providers
Nicholas Bowskill, Jonathan Foster, Vic Lally and David McConnell

11. What are the Implications of the Virtualisation of Organisations and the Emergence of Knowledge Management for Management Development?
John G Burgoyne

12. Effective Delivery of On-Campus Networked Learning: Reflections on two case-studies
John Cook and Tom Boyle

13. A Methodological Approach to Networked Collaborative Learning: Design and pedagogy issues
T Daradoumis and J M Marques

14. On-Line Learning: Frontiers in the creation of learning communities
Mike Davis and Kate Denning

15. Student Approaches to Networked Learning and the Role of Evaluation
Gabi Diercks-O 'Brien and Terenee Karran

16. Introducing Networked Learning with Human Resource Development Professionals Internationally
Catherine Edwards

17. Negotiating Practice: An analysis of an institutional dialogue about networked learning
Jonathan Foster, Nieholas Bowskill, Vie Lally and David MeConnell

18. Teaching and Learning Computing Skills via an Intranet-Based Course
Adrian Friday, Alan Parkes and David Nichols

19. Activating the Web as a Virtual and Dynamic Learning Environment
Colin Fryer

20. As Simple as Possible, as Complex as Necessary: An approach to the design and development of web-based learning environments
Julian Halliwell

21. Identifying the Qualities needed for a Virtual Learning Space in Communication and Information Technology Skills
Rachel A Harris, Marcia A Pereira and Dunean Davidson

22. Changing Concepts of the Boundaries within ODL
Vivien Hodgson

23. Equal Opportunities for Networked Learners
Barbara Howell

24. Understanding Students' Experiences of Collaborative Networked Learning
Christopher R Jones

25. Networked Learning for Post-Graduate Supervisors
Peter Kandlbinder

26. Embedding Key Skills into the Curriculum through Networked Learning: An evaluation of implementation strategies
Helen Keighley and Gabi Diercks-O 'Brien

27. Project Work in Networked Distance Education
Morten Knudsen, Jan Helbo, Lars Peter Jensen, Die Rokkjcer, Die Borch and Jergen @stergaard

28. Talk to Me! Real-Time Audio-Conferencing and the Changing Roles of the Teacher and the Learner in a 24/7 Environment
Markus Kotter and Lesley Shield

29. Networked Learning in Virtual Environments
Anni Koubek and Sandra Kober

30. Universities and Knowledge Economies: A paradigmatic change?
Gerard MacDonald

31. An Evaluation of Stage One: The impact of introducing web-based learning technologies on post-secondary teaching and learning processes
V MacSwain, D Mattock and W Robertson

32. Organizational Change and Networked Learning: A structurational model
Stewart Marshal! and Shirley Gregor

33. Argumentative Interaction in an Academic E-mail Course
Miika Marttunen and Leena Laurinen

34. The Practice of Networked Learning: Experiences of design and participation
David McConnel!, Nick Noakes, Patricia Rowe and William Stewart

35. "Let's Be Careful Out There!" - Learning in the world of electronic information
Liz McDowell and Alison Pickard

36. A Case Study of Inter-Institutional Collaboration - A tale of two cities?
D McFarlane, V Cano and K Brown

An Exploration of Language Use in the context of CMC
Jane Miller, Alan Durndell, Mike Wrennal! and Terry Mayes

38. Learning Using Virtual Shared Workspaces
Gerardo Moenne, Sally Barnes and Rosamund Sutherland

39. Romanian Universities Face to the Networked Learning Reality
Cristina Mohora, Cons tan tin Ispas and Miron Zapciu

40. "Deep" Learning and Computer Mediated Communication: A case study of on-line teacher education
Gary Motteram and Joanna Teague

41. 'Empowering Online ESL Learners' Reflections on the Experience of Developing an Existing Undergraduate Course from a Classroom Based to a Predominantly Network-Based Environment
Nick Noakes

42. WOLF (Wolverhampton Online Learning Framework)
John 0 'Donoghue, Liz Fleetham, Colin Dalziel and Steve Molyneux

43. Networked Learning in Applied Science Education
Jutta Pauschenwein and Anni Koubek

44. Evaluating CHAT Seminars within a WebCT Networked Learning Environment
Rachel M Pilkington and Catherine L Bennett

45. Creating Effective Online Collaborative Educators
Gerard A Prendergast

46. Driving Across Stepping Stones
Gilly Salmon

47. Developing a System to Assure the Quality of ICT Learning Materials to Enhance Lifelong Learning
Sally Sambrook, Susan Geertshuis, David Cheseldine and Rob Willis

48. Individual Approaches to Studying and the Affordances of Interacting with Networked Learning Environments
Keith Smyth and Kathy Buckner

Problems at Crumpton
Alan Staley and Niall Mackenzie

50. Tackling the Issue of Student Motivation through Educational Technology: An action research model
John Steel and Graham Holden

Participants' Perceptions of using Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) as Part of a Distance Master's Programme in Educational Technology and English Language Teaching
Joanna Teague

52. Staff Development for Networked Distance Education
Sue Tickner

Networked Learning in Professional Education Using Virtual Enterprises
VC Vescoukis, S Retalis and S Michiotis .

54. European Trade Union Distance Education: Potential and problems
S Walker and L Creanor

55. Networked Communication and the Collaborative Development of Written Expression at Key Stage Three
S Aisha Walker and Rachel M Pilkington

56. Evaluating an Open University Web Course: Issues and innovations
Martin Weller and Robin Mason

57. Web-Based Learning: Size matters
Peter Williams

58. On-Line Learning Using Broadcast Materials: Case study of the BBC on-line learning pilot programme in women's health
Sheena Banks and David McConnell

59. European Co-Operation through "Interactive Storytelling" in the European Virtual Training College
Christoph Harnischmacher and Ulrich Rauter


Review Panel

Reviewing Editors: Mireia Asensio, Jonathan Foster, Vivien Hodgson, David McConnell
Review Panel: Sheen a Banks, Nick Bowskill, Peter Goodyear, Chris Jones, Vie Lally,
Chris Steeples

Conference Team

Conference Planning: Mireia Asensio, Jonathan Foster, Vivien Hodgson, David McConnell
Conference Secretaries: Teresa Wisniewska, Colleen Woodward
Website Manager : Jonathan Foster

We would like to acknowledge the financial support of the following:

UK Joint Information Systems Committee

UK Teaching and Learning Technology Programme

UK University for Industry (who sponsored the publication ofthe Conference Proceedings).

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, the publishers cannot accept any responsibility for errors & omissions.