NLC 2004

Networked Learning Conference 2004

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Conference Proceedings

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Conference Speakers and Panelists

Plenary Address – Professor David Boud

The EQUEL Project


1. Learning Technologists: Split Personality or Community of Practice?

The Role Of Learning Technology Practitioners And Researchers In Understanding Networked Learning
Grainne Conole
Theory and the Practices of Learning Technology
Chris Jones
Supporting Learning Technology: Relationships With Research and Theory
Susan Armitage, Mark Bryson, Linda Creanor, Carole Higgison, Martin Jenkins, Neil Ringan, Barbara Newland, Deborah Prescott and Hennie Yip

2. Designing Video and Audio Learning Events: an Insight Into Visual Literacy in Practice

Using Video in Health Sciences Teaching and Learning
Valerie Cooper
Engaging First Year Chemical Engineering Students With Video-Based Course Material
Grant M Campbell, Arthur A Garforth and Andrew Bishop
Analysing the pedagogical value of video treatment and text in a digital media application
Richard McCarter
Student Reaction to Video-streamed Content: Does it Enhance Knowledge and Understanding?
John Erskine and Marc Jones

3. Internationalising the Curriculum: a Dubious Concept, Variously Interpreted – What is Going On in the UK and Europe?

International Mission Impossible? ICT and Alternative Approaches to Internationalising the Curriculum
Viv Caruana
Internationalising the Curriculum - an e-Learning Case Study
Mel Lees
Trans-National Online Activities For Students – A Pragmatic Approach
Frances Bell, Janice Whatley and Danuta Zakrzewska

4. Addressing Methodological Issues In E-Learning Research

Addressing Methodological Issues in e-Learning Research
Grainne Conole, Martin Oliver, Kim Isroff and Andrew Ravenscroft
Should the Use of Different Research Models for Networked Learning Lead to Different Results?
Graham Alsop and Chris Tompsett
Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Conflicting Paradigms or Perfect Partners?
Chris Jones
Using Action-Oriented Or Participatory Research Methods For Research On Networked Learning
Christine Steeples

5. Perspectives on Institutional Implementation of e Learning: Stories and Ideas from a European Collaboration

Stories About Innovative Processes In Higher Education: Some Success Factors
Bernadette Charlier, Hervé Platteaux, Thérése Bouvy, Liliane Esnault, Marcel Lebrun, Ana Moura1, Sébastien Pirotte, Brigitte Denis and NathalieVerday
Constellations of Collaboration: the Hidden Foundations of a Successful e-Learning Project
Kathy Courtney
Theorising Implementation: Variation And Commonality In European Approaches To E-Learning
Glynis Cousin, Frances Deepwell, Ray Land and Marisa Ponti
Quality Towards an Expected Harmony: Pedagogy and Innovation Speaking Together About Technology
Marcel Lebrun

6. E-tutoring “Contextualised Tutors’ Roles and Tutors’ Training”

Roles and Competencies of the e-Tutor.
Brigitte Denis, Philip Watland, Sébastien Pirotte and Nathalie Verday
Which Media When, and Why?
Erica McAteer, Ian Ruffell, Shanti Williamson and Alison Muirhead
Staff Development And E-Tutors Training
Sheena Banks, Brigitte Denis, Uno Fors and Sébastien Pirotte

7. Diversity and Common Ground in Online Learning Community Research

The Literacies of Online Learning: a Linguistic-Ethnographic Approach to Research on Virtual Learning Communities
Robin Goodfellow
Frameworks for the Representation and Analysis of Networked Learning Activity
Erica McAteer and Sally Marsden
Online Learning Community Research - Some Influences of Theory on Methods
Rachel Harris and Alison Muirhead

8. How is it for You? The Impact of Networked Learning on Educational Institutions

Closing the Gaps in Institutional Development of Networked Learning: How Do Policy and Strategy Inform Practice to Sustain Innovation?
Elisabet Weedon, Kerstin Jorna and Liz Broumley
Changing Belief Systems: The Effect of Staff Attitudes on Innovation and Sustainability
Patricia Bricheno and Carol Higgison
Changing Pedagogy: Does the Introduction of Networked Learning Have an Impact on Teaching?
Mary Thornton, Amanda Jefferies, Indra Jones, Jon Alltree and Eeva Leinonen

9. Networked Learning and Networked Information

Networked Learning and Networked Information: Towards a Theoretical Basis for the Development of Integrated Information Environments
Peter Brophy
Academic Use of Digital Resources: Disciplinary Differences and the Issue of Progression
Chris Jones, Maria Zenios and Jill Griffiths
Integrating Digital Resources into Online Learning Environments to Support the Learner
Margaret Markland and Bob Kemp
Towards an Evaluation Framework for Large Scale Networked Learning Initiatives
Shelagh Fisher

10. Communication and Control in E-Learning Environments Symposium

Linking Perceptions of Control and Signs of Engagement in the Process and Content of Collaborative E-Learning
Rachel Harris, Klara Bolander, Marcel Lebrun, Françoise Docq and Marie-Thérèse Bouvy
A Critique of Participative Discourses Adopted in Networked Learning
Michael Reynolds, Madeleine Sclater and Sue Tickner
Towards a Methodological Approach for the Analysis of Issues of Communication and Control in Networked E-Learning Discourse
Jenny Gustafson, Vivien Hodgson, Louise Kehler, Sarah Mann, and Sanne Fejfer Olsen

11. Researching Theory Led Designs for e-Learning Communities and Collaborative Learning

A Theoretical Framework for Designing Online Master Communities of Practice
Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Elsebeth K. Sorensen, Thomas Ryberg and Lillian Buus
Developing and Delivering a Short Distance Learning Certificate Course in Peace and Reconciliation Studies – a Case Study
Kathy Courtney
The Learner's Experience of a Networked Learning Knowledge Community Design
Vivien Hodgson and Philip Watland
Theory and Design of Distributed Networked Learning Communities
David McConnell, Vic Lally and Sheena Banks

12. Blended Learning and its Evaluation

A Blended Learning Approach for Teaching Professionalized Action
Ilse Schrittesser
A Pattern Approach to Person-Centered e-Learning Based on Theory-Guided Action Research
Michael Derntl and Renate Motschnig-Pitrik
Person Centered e-Learning in a Major Academic Course: What are the Results and What Can We Learn from Them?
Renate Motschnig-Pitrik

13. Towards an Ecology of Networked Learning

The Metaphor of Networks in Learning: Communities, Collaboration and Practice
Chris Jones and Liliane Esnault
Identity Construction and Dialogue Genres – How Notions of Dialogue May Influence Social Presence in Networked Learning Environments
Jenny Gustafson, Vivien Hodgson and Sue Tickner
Rethinking Virtual Space as a Place for Sociability: Theory and Design Implications
Marisa Ponti and Thomas Ryberg

Individual Research Papers

E-learners’ Experiences of Time
Barbara Allan

The Click and Go Decision Tool: Towards Inclusive and Accessible Visual Literacies
Mireia Asensio, Clive Young, Ross Little and Mary Cuttle

Researching Networked Learning – Critically Reviewing an Adaptive Evaluation
Liz Aspden and Paul Helm

Networked Learning and Knowledge Management - A Systemic Challenge for Universities
Hans-Peter Baumeister

‘Mere Jelly’: The Bodies of Networked Learners
Siân Bayne

The Evaluative Research of Complex Projects in e-Learning: The Case of the ‘EQUEL’ (e-Quality in e-Learning) Project
Joel Bonamy, Bernadette Charlier and Murray Saunders

Supporting Globally Distributed PBL Teams Using A Rich ICT Environment: How Do Participants Use Different Mediation Tools?
Chew Swee Cheng,Chris Beaumont, Seah Chong Poh and Gary Westhead

Informal Learning Projects as a Vehicle for Collaborative Professional Development in Online Communities
Nicholas Bowskill

Facilitating Networks and Network Learning Through the Provision of a Human and IT-enabled Infrastructure
John Burgoyne and Sadie Williams

Knowing What we Mean, Meaning What we Say: The Humpty Dumpty Maxim of Online Interaction
Julian Cook and Neil Jacobs

Design and Integration Issues in Developing a Managed Learning Environment Which is Responsive to Changing Curriculum and Policy Requirements
Simon Cotterill, Gordon Skelly and Tony McDonald

An Evaluation of Formal and Underlying Factors Influencing Student Participation within E-Learning Web Discussion Forums
Christopher Cramphorn

E-xperience in E-learning: The Impact of a Peer Assisted Online Mentoring Scheme on an E-learning Programme: A Case Study of E-College Wales
Ian Davies

Reflections on Unexpected Outcomes: Learning From Student Collaboration in an Online Discussion Forum
Lynn Clouder and Frances Deepwell

How Can Individual Self-Studies Contribute to a Web of Betweeness? How Can I Become We Without Losing I?
Margaret Farren and Darragh Power

Understanding the Way in Which Students Contribute to Knowledge Building and Knowledge Claim Critiquing Within a Community of Learners Working in a Computer Supported Learning Environment
Patrick Fullick

Towards a Pattern Language for Networked Learning
Peter Goodyear, Paris Avgeriou, Rune Baggetun, Sonia Bartoluzzi, Simeon Retalis, Frans Ronteltap and Ellen Rusman

Carrying out Research into Learning Through on line Discussion: Opportunities and Difficulties
Michael Hammond and Mongkolchai Wiriyapinit

Exploring Social Networks to Understand the Diffusion of Networked Learning in a Campus-Based University
Janet Hanson

Tools for Online Tutors: A Review of the Effectiveness of the Student Tracking Facility in One Blackboard Classroom
Anne Hewling

Exploring Models of Learning in Networks
Elizabeth Houldsworth and Gillian Alexander

Is the problem with implementing Managed Learning Environments social, technical or educational?
Sarah Holyfield and Oleg Liber.

Researching Electronic Learning Contracts in Art and Design Masters Courses

Marie Jefsioutine and Robert Jerrard

Knowledge Sharing in the 3D Agora-world
Sisse Siggaard Jensen

A Viable Solution: The Case for Blended Delivery on an On-line Learning Programme
Christopher Miller, Paul Jones, Gary Packham, and Brychan Thomas

Perceptions of Effective E-moderation: A Tutors Viewpoint
Gary Packham, Paul Jones, Christopher Miller and Brychan Thomas

Student Perceptions of Effective E-moderation: A Qualitative Investigation of E-College Wales
Brychan Thomas, Paul Jones, Gary Packham and Christopher Miller

Upfront and Beyond: Connecting the Community of New BBC Staff
Ana Karakusevic, Wendy Bithell and Sally Spinks

The Keys to Usability in e-Learning Websites
Agnes Kukulska-Hulme and Lesley Shield

Developmental Processes in Networked Learning: Orientation
Philippa Levy

Designing to Promote Improved Online Educational Argumentation: An Evaluation Study
Simon McAlister, Andrew Ravenscroft and Eileen Scanlon

Determining Research Questions in e-learning
Patrick McAndrew, Andrew Brasher and Pascale Hardy

The Pedagogies of e-Learning
Wassila Naamani Mehanna

“Blended” Education And The Transformation Of Teachers: A Long-Term Case Study In Postgraduate UK Higher Education
Gary Motteram

Structuring and Sharing Information Resources to Support Concept Development and Design Learning
Hilary Grierson, David Nicol, Allison Littlejohn and Andrew Wodehouse

Students Designing ICT Support for Collaborative Learning in Practice
Tom Nyvang and Haakon Tolsby

Narratives From the 3D Agora-world
Sanne Fejfer Olsen, Sisse Siggaard Jensen, Klara Bolander, Frances Deepwell, Chris Jones and Sarah Mann

Blended Learning: Blended Resources – a Collaborative Approach to Supporting Students
Margaret Freeman and Lyn Parker

Analysing, Sustaining and Piloting Innovation: A “ASPI” Model
Daniel Peraya, Bérénice Jaccaz, Italo Masiello, Susan Armitage and Hennie Yip

How to Manage the Big Bang… Evolution or Revolution in the Introduction of an MLE?
Susannah Quinsee and Neal Sumner

Change in the Educational Scheme From a Traditional to a Redesigned System: Case Study of the Management Department at the ITESM-Campus Monterrey
Jacobo Ramirez and Miguel Flores

Flexible, Structured Support for the Reuse of Online Learning Objects
Judith Ramsay, Erica McAteer, Rachel Harris, Murray Allan and Jean Henderson

Celsia: A New Tool for Asynchronous Multimedia Learning Activities
Symeon Retalis

Evaluating e-Learning Resources
Paul Riddy and Karen Fill

The New Covert Curriculum: a Critical, Actor-Network Approach to Learning Technology Policy
George Roberts

Pedagogical Pragmatism: A New Critical Approach to the Development of Resources for Learning
George Roberts and Richard Huggins

A Framework for the Evaluation of Networked Learning and the Implications of Evaluative Research for the Process of Re-design
Andrew Sackville and Mark Schofield

The Migration and Growth of a Scientific Learning Community
Megan Shaw, Bob Kemp, Julie-Ann Sime and Michael O’Donoghue

Synchronous On-line Tutorials for Staff Development?
Kerry Shephard, Paul Haslam, Maggie Hutchings and Clare Furneaux

A Multi-Disciplinary, Holistic Approach to Networked Learning Research: A Critique of a Large-scale Empirical Study into Student Online Learning Experiences
Sue Timmis, Ros O’Leary, Elisabet Weedon and Kerry Martin

Crossing Complex Boundaries: Transnational Trade Union Education
Steve Walker and Linda Creanor

Achieving Virtual Teamwork Using Software Agents
Janice Whatley

Learning About e-Learning – The eUniversity Experience
Casey McQuinn Wilson

The E-Research Project: Developing an IMM Resource for Supporting Communities of Learners Through CSCL
Christine Winter

Developing and Delivering Pedagogically Informed Technology for Meaningful Learning Experiences within Institutions: Action Points for Creating e-learning Centres
Maria Zenios and Christine Steeples

Exploration and Analysis of Factors Influencing Group Learning
Jianhua Zhao and David McConnell


The Propagation of Weapons of Mass Instruction Outside the Hegemonic World of Education
John Burgoyne

The Supply Chain Collaboration Online Research Simulator
Kewal Dhariwal and Peter Carr

How Do You Get the Information You Need? Triangulation in Usability-Testing: Two Explorative Studies
Steffi Domagk, Silvia Hessel and Helmut M. Niegemann

Virtual Conference: a Telecooperative Learning Environment
H. Hugo Kremer

POLARIS: a Building Block for Blackboard to Support Collaborative Learning
Gaby Lutgens, André Koehorst and Frans Ronteltap

Tutor Support: The Students’ Experience in an Asynchronous MBA Course
Philip Watland

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