NLC 1998 Conference Proceedings (Full Papers)

Networked Lifelong Learning

(All papers download as pdf files)


ISBN: 1 899 323 05 1

Copyright 1998: University of Sheffield, Division of Adult Continuing Education

Keynote| Conference Papers |Conference Posters| Acknowledgements




iii.i Foreword
Nick Stuart, Director-General of Employment and Lifelong Learning
Department for Education and Employment

iv.i Introduction


vi Developing Networked Learning Professionals: A Critical Perspective
David McConnell

v.xiii Telematics for Learning
Srba Cvetkovic & Colin Smythe

v.xvii Challenges of Change - Information and Communication Technology and Lifelong Learning
Terry Cowham Developing Networked Lifelong Learning Courses for Different Markets
Dr Tony Bates


Strand 1 - Pedagogy and Design: The Relationship Between Educational Theory & Research and Networked Learning Practice

1.1 Supporting Networked Learning as a Whole: Pedagogy, Management and the Learning Environment
Bob Banks

1.9 The Unreliable transcript. Contingent Technology and Informal Practice in Asynchronous Learning Networks
Chris Jones

1.15 Networked Professional Development for Library and Information Staff: A Constructivist Approach
Philippa Levy

1.22 Students at the Centre: Non-lineal Narratives and Self Conscious Learning
Sarah Pink

1.33 The Interactive Website as a Medium for Teaching and Learning: A Case Study in Presenting Introductory Science

1.42 Thesis and Antithesis on the Use of Network Learning Technologies in Higher Education
S. Retalis, V.C Vescoukis and E. Skordalakis

1.48 Supporting a Culture of Collaborative Study: Collaborative Study in Undergraduate Courses Using a Computer-Based Conferencing System
Rachel Rimmershaw

1.55 Communication and Collaboration On-Line: New Course Models at the Open University
Dr Gary Alexander

1.63 Learning Community On-Line: Developing Shared Spaces in the Academic Context
Celia Graebner

1.72 Models of On-Line Courses
Robin Mason

Strand 2 - Innovative Delivery: Methods & Approaches

2.1 Vigorous Engagement: Distance Learners, Learner Support and Libraries
Barbara Cowan

2.10 Implementing Telelearning: Decision Support for Instructors, the TeleTOP Project
Petra Fisser, Wim de Boer

2.15 Act On-Line Project: Networked Learning Practice on Internet/WWW
Marilene Santana Sautes Garcia, PhD and Carmen Maia

2.21 Supporting Database Design Learners
Adrian Gordon and Lynne Hill

2.25 Physical Universities Can Apply Virtual Technologies Too: The Use of Networked Technologies to Support Collaborative Learning Professor Clive Holtham & Ashok Tiwari

2.33 The Dynamics of Internet Supported Team Learning: a Case Study
Marleen Huysman and Han Gerrits

2.47 Towards a Multi-Agent Framework to Assist Networked Learning
D. Stamatis, P. Kefalas & T Kargidis

2.55 Building a Virtual Workshop: Collaboration Based on Internet Technology
Arne B. Mikalsen

2.62 WWW-based Tools For Capturing On-Line Communications as an Educational Resource
Irene Neilson & Calum Smeaton

2.70 Bringing Competence Areas Together: A collaborative Approach to Delivering and Receiving Networked Learning
Mary Slervold

2.78 Tele-serninar on Drawing with Autocad: Design, Production and Pilot Implementations
Dyonysis.R.Rigopoulos PhD

2.94 A Collaborative, Networked University: Organisational and Pedagogical Changes
Harald Haugen

2.102 New Media in the University of Helsinki: Information and Communication Strategy and its Implementation
Ailio Hilkka, Kaartinen Perrus, kanerva jyrki, Kirkinen Teo, Salminen Jari & Venna Marja

2.109 SCHEMA: Network Computers, ISDN, Learning and Social Networks, Network Computers and Learning
Professor DWGT Timms and Mr SP Booth

2.117 Structural Biology Courses on the Internet
Clare Sansom, Huub Drieson and David Moss

2.123 A Learning, Assessing, and Evaluating Environment for Asynchronous Web Based Courses
Keith Barker, Robert MeCartney, Karl Wurst, Rob Weiner Strand

Strand 3 - Networked Learning for Professional Development

3.1 The Tutorial: Combining Asynchronous and Synchronous Learning
Paula M Proeter

3.8 Networked Learning for Professional Development: Design and Evaluation of Technologies to Meet Learning Outcomes
Rhona Sharpe and Paul Bailey

3.17 Teaching over the Internet: How is the UK's Open University doing it?
Tina Wilson, Denise Whiteloek, Nieky Simpson and Jillian Greenwood

3.26 Gender Differences in an On-line Learning Environment: A Case Study
Vic Lally and Elizabeth Barrett

3.34 Securing the Safety Net: Towards a Coherent Embedding Networked Learning in Academic Staff Development
Sue Tickner

3.42 A Hybrid Network Learning Approach for Technical Education Built Around On-the-Job Training
V.C. Veseoukis and S. Retails

3.50 Geekgirls or Cybersisters? Constructing Feminist Spaces for Learning in Cyberspace
Sue Webb

3.61 Human Tortoises on the Net: Taking Account of Learning Speed in Designing Networked Learning for Adults
Chris Wiltsher

3.66 Developing Self Assessment in Networked Lifelong Learning Environments
David MeConnell

Strand 4 - Networked Learning in Community Developments and Economic Regeneration

4.1 Information Technology and Social Exclusion
Dr Alan Clarke

4.7 Making Lifelong Learning Real: Reaching People the System Doesn't Usually Reach
Professor Anne Jones

4.13 Stockton-on-Line (SoL): A Case Study
Ms Theresa McGoldrick, Dr Viv Shelley, Ms Pat Cummins

4.19 The Internet Express: A Case Study in On- Line Public Access and Training
Irene Neilson, Andie Billington, Colin Charlton, Janet Little

4.30 Video Conferencing for Deaf People: A Case Study of On-Line Education for Deaf People using Video Conferencing
Allan Sutherland and Tessa Padden

4.36 Issues in Developing the Networked Community: The Perspective of Members of Community Groups
Michael Hammond

4.43 Developing a Virtual College
Holly Ward, Karina Tracey and Mary Barker

4.52 Connecting Individuals and Companies in a Lifelong Learning Network: Piloting the University for Industry
Helen Milner, Mike Thorne and Josh Hillman

4.59 Chalk to Cable (Conquering the Tyranny of Distance in Australian Higher Education)
Dave Oliver, jo-Anne Luck and Errol Vieth

4.67 Adult Learners and New Technology: Study Skills and Personal Development Through Multi-Media Mode
Jill Ward


ii. Networked Learner Support in Action - Dearne Valley Project Barbara
Cowan & Lyn Parker

iv. Networked Virtual Environments as a Communication Tool for Distance Learning
Marc Fabri

vi. Harnessing the Power of the Internet: Developing Courseware Using Dynamic HTML and Multimedia Applications
Colin Fryer

ix. Supporting Student Skill Development to Enable the Use of Networks for Collaborative Learning
Martin Jenkins & Lynette Bailey

xi. A Systematic Approach to On-Line Learning and Teaching Support
Mr. Colum McGoven

xii. Problem Solving: A Collaborative Learning Approach Using Computer Network
Dr Angela Newby & David Whirworth

xiv. Using Multi-Media to Promote Skill Formation in Learning Organisation
Steve Bean & Jonathan Winterton

xvi. Staff On-Line Skills - A Case Study in Networked Learning
Rachel Mullins

xvii. Collaborative Learning in Virtual Learning Environments
Tim Barker

xix. MultiFaithNet: Religion, Live and Interactive
Mrs. Eileen Fry

xxi The Replication of Mutually Supportive Social Networks in an On-Line Environment
David Squire


Review Panel

Reviewing Editors: Sheena Banks, David McConnell, Celia Graebner
Review Panel: Bodil Ask, Srba Cvetkovis, Peter Goodyear, Mick Hammond, Harold Haugen, Anne Jones, Phil Levy, Dave Miller

Editorial Team

Managing Editor: Ruth Arnold
Sub-editors: Sue Mansbridge & Tim Hollinshead
Design: Vertebrate Graphics

Conference Team

Conference Planning: David McConnell, Sheena Banks, Celia Graebner
Conference Administration: Karen Kehtarnavaz
Website Manager : Tim Hollinshead
Technical Coordination: Paul Leman
Recruitment/Registration: Julie Arbon Davis, Liz Drayton
Marketing: Ruth Arnold

We would like to acknowledge the financial support of the following:

FEDA - Further Education Development Agency


Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, the publishers cannot accept any responsibility for errors & omissions.