Conference Programme

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The Learning and Teaching Support Network sponsors the Networked Learning 2002 Conference
Conference Sponsors
Home Page
Structure and Theme
Venue and Travel
Important Dates

Papers - Title - S

Title Name/s

Social Aspects of Collaborative Learning in Virtual Learning Environments
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 Laister, J and Kober, S

Staff Development for networked learning: learning from staff and students
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 Weedon, E Broumley, L and  MacLean, C

Stories of learning within an online community
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 Shore, D

Student experiences of networked learning
Html | PDF | Word
 Novellini, P

Supporting institutional change: an experiment in computer supported collaborative learning - a report on research in progress
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 Mackie, S, Beeby, M and  Jordan, S



Fretwell Downing Learning Sponsors the Networked Learning 2002 Conference



The Teaching and Learning Technology Programme sponsors The Networked Learning 2002 Conference



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