Conference Programme

Networked Learning Conference 2002 Banner Image










The Learning and Teaching Support Network sponsors the Networked Learning 2002 Conference
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Structure and Themes

Networked learning 2002 is an opportunity to participate in a forum for the critical examination and analysis of research into networked learning, i.e. learning and teaching carried out largely via the Internet/Web which emphasises collaborative and cooperative learning, learning through dialogue and group work together with interaction with on-line materials and collaborative knowledge production.

The main format for the conference will be Research Symposia where several papers focusing on a specific theme or topic will be presented. The precise theme for given sessions can be suggested when submitting a proposal to run a symposium. (Please see details on how to submit a proposal). Account should however be taken of the main themes of the conference, which are:

  • e-learning, e-tutoring, the e-university
  • distributed communities of practice
  • gender
  • working across boundaries
  • methodologies for researching networked learning
  • new technologies for supporting networked learning

Additional sub-themes of the conference could include:

  • student and tutor experiences of networked learning
  • design and pedagogy of networked learning
  • constructionism and sociocultural theories of learning
  • the move from distance learning to networked learning
  • collaborative and cooperative learning
  • distributed problem based learning
  • the potential of networked learning in professional and lifelong education
  • on campus networked learning
  • institutional readiness for networked learning
  • staff development issues
  • the educational philosophy of networked learning
  • networked management learning
  • networked learning and the global university
  • case studies of networked learning : models and approaches

In addition to inviting proposal for research symposia we invite proposals for individual research papers (allowing for a 30 minute presentation, including discussion time) which we will, where appropriate, seek to ensure are invited to join one of the symposium sessions. Also invited are proposals for posters of emerging work or workshop sessions,

The conference is designed to bring together managers, teachers, lecturers, trainers, researchers and students from all sectors of education and training.



Fretwell Downing Learning Sponsors the Networked Learning 2002 Conference



The Teaching and Learning Technology Programme sponsors The Networked Learning 2002 Conference



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