Conference Programme

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The Learning and Teaching Support Network sponsors the Networked Learning 2002 Conference
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Structure and Theme
Venue and Travel
Important Dates

Papers - Title - T

Title Name/s

The BA in the Internet, learning and organizations: a peer to peer approach to distance learning
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 Holyfield, S, Liber, O,  Richardson, P and Smart, C

The effect on staff perceptions to on-line learning of using a non-traditional approach to staff development
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 Simpson, V

The Time is right - an ICT framework for Networked Learning
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 Morris, T

Tutor interventions in distance learning
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 Richardson, P and Liber, O



Fretwell Downing Learning Sponsors the Networked Learning 2002 Conference



The Teaching and Learning Technology Programme sponsors The Networked Learning 2002 Conference



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