
Symposia - Papers - Workshops - Posters



Virtual Teaching Tools: Bringing academics closer to the design of e-learning
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1. Symposia

Accessible technology for networked learning
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Approaches to Developing a Theoretical Understanding of Networked Learning: From personal inquiry to generic coding
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Change for networked learning
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E-learning groups and communities of practice
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Elaborating collaborative interactions in networked learning - a multi-method approach
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Ideas of community and implications for theorising networked learning
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Knowledge construction and on-line environments
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Networked Learning in Medical Education
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Overview - the politics of networked learning
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Phenomenography and networked learning
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The E-University
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2. Individual Research Papers

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - P - R - S - T - V - W


A researchers paradise: high quality services on the internet
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A survey of technologies supporting virtual project work
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Academic staff attitudes towards the use and production of networked learning resources
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Access to e-learning in higher education by disabled students: current public policy issues
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'Action Learning Sets: the case for running them online'
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An Action Research Approach to the Design and Implementation of an Online Course in Applied Mechanics
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An analysis of learning conversations in two networked collaborative teaching interventions
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An evaluation instrument for on-line learning and teaching
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Are FE/HE staff ICT competent?: a report from the tRISSt research project
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Barriers to online learning - the experience of the Scottish Executive Business Development Unit
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Beyond our wildest dreams, an evaluation of conversational learning using Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
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Can web-based environments Talk the Talk? Case Study: Discussions with Students in a Blackboard Unit
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Collaboration between Universities in web based learning; management issues
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Collaborative, problem-based learning on-line: a multimedia case study approach
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Combining Student-Centred Teaching with the Use of the Internet - Case Study and Experience Report
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Communal constructivism and networked learning: reflections on a case study
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Communicating science: content and interaction analysis of CMC
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Computer-mediated argumentation in Higher Education: developing discussion skills through roles
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Delivering an online global Masters degree: How can we manage learning in a managed learning environment?
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Designing for Interaction
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Development in generative learning using a collaborative learning environment
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Electronic submission and content checking: the system requirements for automatically detecting plagiarism
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E-tutoring students on professional practice placements
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Factors that influence take up by individual university lecturer of an institutional VLE - preliminary findings
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'from distance education to networked learning'
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Grounding staff development for networked learning environments
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High level student autonomy in a virtual learning environment
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Investigation into the roles of agents in supporting students working on group projects online
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Knowledge management in on-line distance education
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Looking through three 'I's: the pedagogic use of streaming video
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Methodologies for researching networked learning Paper: Educational technology: managing research, managing interests - research choices and their implications
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M-learning as a means of supporting learners: tomorrow's technologies are already her, how can we most effectively use them in the e-learning age?
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Motivation to use on-line learning communities
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My experience of co-operation
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Networked learning in the real world: collaboration versus competition
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Perceptions of learning and perceptions of being taught: adult learner reactions to an interactive website
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Play and its role in online course development
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Promoting 'Best Practice' for E-tutoring through Staff Development
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PROS (Promoting Researchers Online Supervision) Needs Analysis: Establishing the needs of the online research process and The (ViPER) Virtual Project Environment for Research Taxonomy
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Researching the tutor in online practice: reflections on appropriate research methodology
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Social Aspects of Collaborative Learning in Virtual Learning Environments
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Staff Development for networked learning: learning from staff and students
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Stories of learning within an online community
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Student experiences of networked learning
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Supporting institutional change: an experiment in computer supported collaborative learning - a report on research in progress
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The BA in the Internet, learning and organizations: a peer to peer approach to distance learning
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The effect on staff perceptions to on-line learning of using a non-traditional approach to staff development
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The Time is right - an ICT framework for Networked Learning
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Tutor interventions in distance learning
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Various approaches to successful e-learning implementations
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What Really Matters In Operations Management Learning and Teaching
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What will become of us?
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Working across boundaries: tutor experiences of on-campus networked learning (blended with face-to-face teaching)
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3. Workshops

How To Always Get The Jammie Dodger: Developing the online management facilitator.
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Online Induction Programmes: Developing and evaluating transitional online support.
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The CHCC Project: Developing the collection of contempary and historical census data and related materials into a major learning and teaching resource.
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4. Posters

Can e-learning provide learning opportunities for Muslim women of ethnic minorities who for cultural reasons prefer not to participate in education by traditional means?
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Grounding staff development for networked learning environments
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Group Modeling Method in Web-Based Collaborative Learning Environment
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How was it for you? Student and staff experience of e-learning
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Integration of the L3 Learning Environment into the WiBA-Net Project
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The use of distributed learning to support students with dyslexia
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The (ViPER) Virtual Project Environment for Research Taxonomy
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Working across professional boundaries
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