

The Conference is to be held at Stephenson Halls of Residence,
University of Sheffield. All meetings & residential accommodation are located on this site.

          Please provide the following contact information:

First name
Last name
Street address
Zip/Postal code
Home Phone
Work Phone

Select any one of the following options
(standard rate*)

  Registration + meals/refreshments only (day rate not including dinner) - £130.00

Full registration no accomodation (Tues/Wed/Thurs) refreshments + lunch (no evening meals) £270.00

  Registration + accommodation (2 nights + meals) - study bedroom - £340.00.(not en suite)
Additional nights before/after the conference £30.00.
Please specify how many days and when by checking the desired boxes below:

  Registration + accommodation
(2 nights + meals) - en suite - £375.00.

Additional nights before/after the conference £40.00.
Please specify how many days and when by checking the desired boxes below:

*Standard rate includes conference proceedings, all meals, and on campus accomodation where applicable. Combinations of days and half days (£70.00) also available. Other rates available on request. Credit card payments can be made by telephoning or faxing: Colleen Woodward at the Networked Learning Office.


N.B. Delegates requiring en suite accommodation should apply early to be certain of obtaining it.

Special dietary requirements e.g. vegetarian.
Please specify: 

Disclaimer -
Payment must be received within 14 days after confirmation of registration to be valid.
Cancellations before 22nd February will be fully refunded.
Cancellations before 8th March will receive a 50% refund.
There will be no refund for cancellations after 9th March

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