Call for Participation


1. Symposia

The main format of the conference will be Research Symposia focusing on a specific topic or area of research in which three / four papers will be presented. These are extended periods during the conference intended to encourage in-depth discussion and debate with colleagues on the particular Symposium topic.

Each Symposium will last between 1.5 and 2 hours depending on the number of papers being presented. Longer sessions are possible. All paper abstracts submitted will be refereed separately.

We invite you to organise a Symposium by inviting three/four researchers to take part, presenting their research findings on the theme or topic of the Symposium.

When submitting a Symposium proposal, please include:

1. A 500 word overview of the aim and purpose of the Symposium.

2. All the names, institutional affiliations and email addresses of those contributing.

3. Each contribution should be supported by an abstract of up to 500 words which should include an explanation of the theoretical basis for the research.

4. Please identify the Chairperson (and discussant if you wish to have one).

5. Please indicate the length of the Symposium (1.5 hours or two hours).


2. Individual Research Papers

Although the conference will be run as a series of Symposia, individual researchers may submit a paper. In this case we will, where appropriate, seek to ensure that they are invited to join one of the Symposium sessions.


3. Workshops

Workshops are sessions designed to provide participants with an in depth insight into some aspect of networked learning of a practical nature. Workshops will normally run for 90 minutes.


4. Posters

A poster session is an opportunity for you to informally present your work. Poster presentations are suitable for those wishing to discuss ongoing work, incomplete work, or work that is just in its infancy etc.


Submission of Abstracts

Each abstract should be in English and should have a title and should clearly indicate the particular conference theme or topic that it is addressing.


Each abstract should have one cover sheet with the following information on it:





Deadline for Submission of Symposium Proposals and Abstracts and Acceptance Procedure

The deadline for email submission of symposium proposals and abstracts is DECEMBER 10th, 2001.

Submitters will be notified of acceptance by December 21st, 2001.

Accepted papers to be received by us by February 15th, 2002.

Electronic version of accepted papers of up to 6 pages in total, including all figures and diagrams and references must be received by February 15th, 2002. A Word style sheet will be supplied for submission of papers. Please ensure you format your paper according to this style sheet for publication in the Conference Proceedings. Failure to do so may mean that your paper is not included in the Conference Proceedings.

The primary author of each paper accepted will be notified of detailed submission instructions.

All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

Please send abstracts to reach us by December 10th via email in Word format to:



Each abstract will be anonymously reviewed and will be evaluated for its contribution to the field of Networked Learning / e-learning. In particular, the reviewers will be looking to see that each abstract can clearly lead to a high quality verbal presentation at the conference.



Demonstrations of academic research work-in-progress may be given. Please state clearly what equipment you will be bringing and what extra equipment you will require for the demonstration. A charge may be made for supplying extra equipment. We will do our best to accommodate your requirements but retain the right to exclude any demonstration that we cannot accommodate. Demonstration submissions should be in the form of a one page abstract.


Conference Proceedings

Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Abstracts from poster sessions will also be published. In addition, selected papers may be published in a special edition of Instructional Science later in 2002.



Limited exhibit space is available for the demonstration of a commercial product relating to the field of Networked Learning and e-learning ( eg hardware; software and groupware; publications). Those demonstrating commercial products will be charged. Please contact us for further information.


Insertions in Delegate Packs

Insertions in delegate packs (eg leaflets and so on) are invited at a cost of £100.00 plus VAT.


Language of the Conference

We wish to encourage submissions from an international audience and from persons of different cultures and traditions. However, in keeping with most international conferences the written and spoken language of the Conference is English.


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