Networked Learning Conference 2008
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Charalambos Vrasidas


CARDET - University of Nicosia

Title: Social Networking for Social Justice: Challenges and Possibilities

Keynote 1: Charalambos Vrasidas

Charalambos Vrasidas is co-founder and Executive Director of CARDET – Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology, an international
non-profit non-governmental research and development organisation. He is also Associate Professor of Learning Technologies at Intercollege. He currently serves on the Executive Committee of the International Council of Educational Media, a UNESCO affiliated organisation and is the Editor-in-Chief of the scholarly journal Educational Media International.
He has conducted research on networked learning for the over 10 years, and has advised NGOs, companies, schools, and Ministries of Education in Asia, Europe, and the United States. He has published 4 books and more than 60 articles in journals and edited volumes. His upcoming book is titled ICT for Education, Development and Social Justice.
A well-known speaker, he has presented more than 100 papers at national and international events. His main areas of expertise are e-learning, distance education, ICT for social justice, and evaluation of learning technologies.

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