Networked Learning Conference 2008
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Author Names & Institutions
(Symposium Conveynor/s *)
Symposium Title
Shirley Alexander*
Lynette Schaverien
University of Technology, Sydney
Shirley Booth*
Lund University, Sweden,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Steve Fox
Lancaster University
Methodologies for researching the learning in Networked Learning
Helen Beetham*
Independent consultant
R.S. Hyde
P.R Bullen,
University of Hertfordshire
Judy Hardy
Denise Haywood
Simon Bates
Jessie Paterson
Susan Rhind
Hamish Macleod
Jeff Haywood
The University of Edinburgh
Mary Thorpe
Gráinne Conole
Rob Edmunds
The Open University
Mark Childs
Rossana Espinoza-Ramos
University of Warwick
Learners' Experience of e-Learning: Research from the UK
Bernadette Charlier*
University of Fribourg
Amaury Daele
University of Fribourg
Lilliane Esnault*
France Henri
Université du Québec à Montréal
Murray Saunders
University of Lancaster
ePrep (France)
Annick Rossier
University of Fribourg
Adil El Ghali
Alain Giboin,
INRIA Méditérranée - Sophia Antipolis
Christine Vanoirbeek
EPFL - Lausanne
Sandy El Helou
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Manolis Tzagarakis
Research Academic Computer Technology Institute
Denis Gillet
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Nikos Karacapilidis
University of Patras and Research Academic Computer Technology Institute
Chiu Man Yu
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
When CoPs and researchers collaborate to invent life long learning practices: PALETTE project stories
Sarah Chesney*
University of Cumbria
James Howard*
University of Cumbria
Shane Sutherland
Pebble Learning
Kim McGowan
University of Cumbria
Flourish:the ecpd project
Robin Goodfellow*
The Open University
Leah P. Macfadyen
The University of British Columbia
Anne Hewling
Open University
Learning Cultures in Online Education
Caroline Haythornthwaite*
Bill Cope
Mary Kalantzis
Bertram C. Bruce
Damian Duffy
Allison N. Clark
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Making the Transition to Ubiquitous Learning
Vivien Hodgson*
Maria Zenios
Gale Parchoma
Debra Ferreday
Lancaster University
Peter Goodyear
University of Sydney
Chris Jones
Open University
Thomas Ryberg
Aalborg University
Mary Dykes
University of Saskatchewan
Where is the Learning in Networked Learning?
Chris Jones*
The Open University
Nina Bonderup Dohn
University of Southern Denmark
Thomas Ryberg
Aalborg University
Ray Land
University of Strathclyde
Siân Bayne
University of Edinburgh
Breaching the Garden Walls? Social media, institutions, infrastructures and design for learning
Charalampos Karagiannidis*
Sofia Efraimidou
University of Thessaly
Adamantios Koumpis*
Francesco Molinari
ALTEC Information and Communication Services
Nicolaos Protogeros
University of Macedonia
Democratising Online Education through Innovative Methods and Tools: the case of Living Labs
David McConnell*
Nicholas Bowskill
Lancaster University
Sheena Banks
University of Sheffield
Michael Reynolds
Lancaster University
Kiran Trehan
Lancaster University
Zhenhong Zhang
Ronghuai Huang
Beijing Normal University
Networked Learning and Interculturality: Perspectives on Working in Intercultural Contexts
Robert Pinter*
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Chris Sadler
Middlesex University
Tarmo Kalvet
Praxis Center for Policy Studies
István Bessenyei
University of West Hungary
Veronika Stoffa
János Selye University
Kerstin V. Siakas
Alexander Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki
Information Society Studies in Practice - a Networked Learning Case Study
S. Retalis*
University of Piraeus
S. Goumas.
M. Dumestre
T. Kargidis
D. Stamatis

Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
T. Hjeltnes
TISIP Foundation, Norway
K. Siasiakos
G. Korres
University of Piraeus
Exploring the sustainability and economic viability of lifelong e-learning programs

Full papers will not be presented at this colloquium.
Andrew Sackville*
Edge Hill University
Karen Groves
Clare Etherington
Jill Cochrane
Bridget Moss
Edge Hill University
Cathy Sherratt
Edge Hill University
So what REALLY happens in networked learning?
Demosthenes Stamatis*
Theodoros Kargidis*
Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
P. Belsis,
C. Sgouropoulou
K. Sfikas
G. Pantziou
C. Skourlas
J. Varnas
Technological Educational Institute of Athens
T. Alevizos
V. Tsoukalas
Technological Educational Institute of Kavala
Kostas Vassilakis
Nikos Psaroudakis
Michail Kalogiannakis
Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Crete
Georgios Kabouridis
TEI Patras
Embedding Networked Learning in Greek Higher Education Institutions: Policy and Practice



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Author Names & Institutions Paper Title
Bodil Ask
University of Agder
Harald Haugen

TISIP & Stord/Haugesund University College, Norway
Approaches to Net Based Learning, Experiences with Social Constructivist Pedagogy in a Global Setting
Sheena Banks
Jerry Wellington
University of Sheffield
Gordon Joyes
University of Nottingham
Professional Doctorates and Emerging Online Pedagogies
Stuart Boon
Christine Sinclair
University of Strathclyde
A World I Don't Inhabit: Disquiet and Identity
In Second Life and Facebook
Sally Bradley
David McConnell
Lancaster University
Virtual Groups in Learning Environments: Collaboration,
Cooperation or (Self) Centred Individualism?
Chantal Charnet,
Clair-Antoine Veyrier

Université de Montpellier 3
Virtual ethnography methodology for researching networked learning
Mark Childs
University of Warwick
Using a Mediated Environments Reference Model
to evaluate learners' experiences of Second Life
Gráinne Conole
Andrew Brasher
Simon Cross
Martin Weller
Stewart Nixon
Paul Clark
The Open University
A learning design methodology to foster and support creativity in design
Mayela Coto
Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld
Aalborg University
Facilitating Communities of Practice in Teacher
Professional Development
Lucilla Crosta
David McConnell
Lancaster University
Online Learning Groups Development: A Grounded
International Comparison
Laura Czerniewicz
Cheryl Brown
Samantha Lee Pan
Alfred Moyo
University of Cape Town
Students make a plan: ICT access and social and academic uses in higher education
Maarten de Laat
Mike Chamrada
Rupert Wegerif
University of Exeter
Facilitate the Facilitator: Awareness Tools to Support the Moderator to Facilitate Online Discussions for Networked Learning
Maarten de Laat
University of Exeter
Gráinne Conole
The Open University
Patterns of students’ use of networked learning technologies
Michael Derntl
Renate Motschnig-Pitrik
University of Vienna
Exploring the User's View on Design Patterns for Technology-Enhanced Learning
Kewal Singh Dhariwal
Athabasca University & Lancaster University
Collaborative Conceptual Change during Networked
Management Learning
Rossana Espinoza-Ramos
Michael Hammond

University of Warwick
Can ICT build a solid bridge to a more "engaged" and collaborative practice in doctoral study? Paradoxes, constraints and opportunities
Anne Gerdes
University of Southern Denmark
Similarity based and knowledge creating metaphors - a didactic framework for informing design
Judith Guevarra Enriquez
University of Nottingham
Fluid Centrality of Social-Technical Relations in a Networked Environment
Caroline Haythornthwaite
Anatoliy Gruzd
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Analyzing Networked Learning Texts
Julie Hughes
Emma Purnell
University of Wolverhampton
Blogging for beginners? Using blogs and eportfolios in Teacher Education
Mike Johnson
Cardiff University
Expanding the concept of Networked Learning
Geraldine Jones
Gabriele Edwards
Alan Reid
University of Bath
Supporting and Enhancing Undergraduate Learning with m-learning tools: an exploration and analysis of the potential of Mobile Phones and SMS
Gordon Joyes
University of Nottingham
Researching tutors’ perceptions of effective online pedagogy: The Learning Activity Analysis Tool
Sonja Kabicher
Renate Motschnig-Pitrik
University of Vienna
Content Analysis as a Means of Quality Assurance as Exemplified in a Course on Organisational Development
Georgios Kahrimanis,
Eleni Mikroyannidi,
Nikolaos Avouris

University of Patras
Assessing the Quality of Synchronous Network Learning Activities using Machine Learning Techniques
Ilias Karasawidis
University of Thessaly
Activity Theory as a theoretical framework for the study of blended learning: a case study
Kostas Kechagias
D. Politis
Aristotele University of Thessaloniki
ArchWeb Forum: An Archaeology Oriented Web Environment
Benjamin Kehrwald
Massey University
Learners' Experiences with Learner Support in Networked Learning Communities
Petros Lameras
Iraklis Paraskakis
South East European Research Centre, Research Centre of the University of Sheffield and CITY Liberal Studies
Philippa Levy
University of Sheffield
Conceptions of Teaching and Learning using Virtual Learning Environments: Preliminary Findings From a Phenomenographic Inquiry
Lotty Larson
Lund University
Lotta Antman
Blekinge Institute of Technology
Petter Pilesjö
Lund University
Networked Learning in a Flexible Fully Internet-based International Masters' Course - Possibilities and Limitations
Philippa Levy
Sabine Little
University of Sheffield
Oloaojo Aiyegbayo
University of Leicester
"Before You Know Where You Are, You Have a Sequence" - Designing for Inquiry-based Learning with the Learning Activity Management System (LAMS)
Sabine Little
University of Sheffield
The role of the developer in institutional change: Tales from the edge
Ditte Lockhorst
Jakko van der Pol
Utrecht University
Wilfried Admiraal
University of Amsterdam
A Descriptive Model of Teacher Communities
Athanasios Margaris
Kerstin V. Siakas
Fotini Dimopoulou
Amalia E. Pontikidou

Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
Networked Blended Learning
Creation of Best Practices for Continuous Improvement
Arne Mikalsen
Bjørn Klefstad
Svend Andreas Horgen
Thorleif Hjeltnes

The research foundation TISIP and Sør Trøndelag University College, Faculty of Informatics and e-learning
An integrated multimedia e-learning model for vocational training
Victoria Myroni
Andreas Pombortsis
Aristotle University
Networked Libraries Promoting Lifelong Learning
Luis Palomino-Ramirez
Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo
Juan I. Asensio-Pérez
Yannis A. Dimitriadis

University of Valladolid
Luis de la Fuente-Valentín
University Carlos III of Madrid
The Data Flow Problem in Learning Design: A Case Study
C. Papazoglou
V. Dagdilelis
K. Margaritis
A. Fragkou
University of Macedonia
Online courses on open source software usage by an academic library
Apostolos Paraskevas
D. Psillos
University of Thessaloniki
The implementation of a Web-based Learning Environment concerning teachers' collaboration in the area of Fluids
Sue Peters
Lancaster University
Understanding the role of technology within a Community of Practice of small businesses
O. Petropoulou,
S. Retalis,
K. Siassiakos
University of Piraeus
S. Karamouzis,
Regis University
Theodoros Kargidis
Technological Institute of Thessaloniki
Helping Educators Analyse Interactions within Networked Learning Communities: A Framework and the AnalyticsTool System
Janice Picard
Lancaster University
The role of context as an antecedent for divisiveness in online MBA groups
Ruslan Ramanau
Rhona Sharpe
Greg Benfield

Oxford Brookes University
Exploring Patterns of Student Learning Technology Use in their Relationship to Self-Regulation and Perceptions of Learning Community
Jane Secker
London School of Economics
Gwyneth Price

Institute of Education, University of London
Virtual Libraries as Virtual Learning Spaces: the experiences of the LASSIE project
Maria Skiadelli
National Technical University of Athens
Cleo Sgouropoulou
Technological Educational Institute of Athens
Yanis Maistros
National Technical University of Athens
Modelling and Applying Learning Strategies in a Networked Higher Educational Context
John B Stav
Roger Bergh
Sor-Trondelag University College
Hariklia Tsalapatas
University of Thessaly
New Collaborative and Cooperative Just-in-Time Training Methods at the Workplace
Sue Timmis
Marie Joubert Gibbs
Anne Manuel
Sally Barnes

University of Bristol
Reciprocity, generativity and transformation in communications using multiple digital tools
Athanasios Tsadiras
Demosthenes Stamatis
Alexander Technological Educational Institute (ATEI) of Thessaloniki
Decisions on Networked Learning based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Nikolaos Valkanos
Alexander Technological Educational Institute (ATEI) of Thessaloniki
A Collaborative Approach for the Development of Networked Learning Environments Using the ADDURI Framework
Dominique Verpoorten
L. Petit
J.-L. Castaigne
D. Leclercq
University of Liège
Adaptivity and adaptation: which complementarities in a learning personalization process?
Panos Vlachopoulos
Napier University
Reconsidering the role of online tutors in asynchronous online discussions
Eleni Voyiatzaki
University of Patras
Anne Meier
University of Freiburg
Georgios Kahrimanis
University of Patras
Nikol Rummel
Hans Spada

University of Freiburg
Nikolaos Avouris
University of Patras
Rating the quality of collaboration during networked problem solving activities
Philip Watland
Athabasca University
Students' Experiences of Tutor Support in an Online MBA Programme
Janice Whatley
University of Salford
Task Allocation In Team Projects: Findings from an Experimental Online System to Support Students
Tina Wilson
The Open University
Investigating Supported or Unsupported Individual and Group Work in Open Forums in an Open Educational Resources Repository


Author Names & Institutions Poster Title
P. Carmichael
University of Cambridge
M-C Papaefthimiou
University of Reading
P. Alberts
Brunel University
H. George
London South Bank University
G. Conole
The Open University
R. Brown
London South Bank University
Developing an Evidence Base for Engagement and Impact in Higher Education Institutional e-Learning Projects
Randy Dunn
Liberty University
The Virtual Teacher's Lounge: How Teachers Meaningfully Connect Through Online Networks
Carmem Maia
University of London
Is there a future for distance learning in Brazil?
D. Triantis,
I. Stavrakas,
C. Anastasiadis
I. Marinos

Technological Educational Institution of Athens
Networked Learning Physics of Semiconductors through a Virtual Laboratory Environment

(This poster is part of the Symposium organised by Demosthenes Stamatis and Theodoros Kargidis)
Eleni Voyiatzaki
University of Patras
Spyros Papadakis
Hellenic Open University
Eleni Rossiou
University of Macedonia
Nikos Avouris
University of Patras
Konstantinos Paparrizos
University of Macedonia
Thanasis Hadzilacos
Hellenic Open University
One Size does not fit all: A case study of combining networked learning methods and tools
Eleni Voyiatzaki
Paris Polyzos
Nikolaos Avouris

University of Patras
Teacher tools in a networked learning classroom: monitor, view and interpret interaction data


Presenting Authors/Conference Timetable

This pdf file contains details of the authors presenting at the conference along with the full conference timetable.

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