Networked Learning Conference 2008
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Professor Diana Laurillard

London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education.

Evolving a Vision for Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL)

Keynote 3: Professor Diana Laurillard

Diana Laurillard is Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies at the London Knowledge Lab. Her main role is to lead research on technology-enhanced learning, and to build productive collaborative projects between the Lab, educators, the digital media industry, and policy-makers. She is on the Executive of the EU Network of Excellence for Technology-Enhanced Learning (Kaleidoscope). Her work focuses on theory-based design of learning and teaching methods and resources, learners’ conceptions and misconceptions, flexible learning activity design tools for teachers, and cost-benefit modeling for the introduction of ICT in education. Previously she was at the Department for Education and Skills, where she developed a cross-sector e-learning strategy, Harnessing Technology: Transforming Learning and Children’s Services, published in March 2005. From 1995 to 2002, she held two terms of office as PVC at the Open University, with responsibility for developing the appropriate use of learning technologies. Her most widely cited publication is Rethinking University Teaching (Routledge Falmer, 2nd edition 2002).


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