Networked Learning Conference 2008
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Important Notice - Hotel Accommodation Sani Beach Hotel

Please note: Hotel accommodation is now limited at the Sani Beach
Resort Hotel - The Conference Organisers are unable to guarantee
accommodation at the conference venue for delegates who book after the
30th March, 2008.

Due to the location of the hotel delegates not staying at the
Sani Beach Resort Hotel would need their own transport or would need
to use taxis as no public transport is available.



Information about full conference costs.


Substitution and Cancellation

Cancellations made on or before 1st March, 2008 will be subject to a 50% cancellation charge. Cancellations made after this date will not receive a refund. Substitutions are allowable if made in writing before 25th April, 2008.

Any extra night accommodation booked will be liable to cancellation fees directly from the hotel.


Download Booking Form: Word Document

Download Booking Form: PDF



Hotel Pool


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