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Key Dates & Proposal Submissions

Please note: We require full papers for review and not just abstracts.

  • Last date for submission of full papers for review: Wednesday 4th October, 2017.
  • Papers reviewed by international researchers: 23th October, 2017 to 26th November 2017.
  • Authors receive feedback on submissions and review panel decision: Wednesday 20th December, 2017.
  • Final date for submission of accepted papers:1st February, 2018.

How to submit an individual research proposal


Conference paper proposals must be submitted using the PaperTemplate (which can be downloaded below) and via the Online Submission System (Online Submission will open 1st September, 2017). Details of the length of papers are included in the template.

Individual full and short papers should be submitted online via Oxford Abstracts (Online Submission will open 1st September, 2017). You will be asked to register with Oxford Abstracts prior to submitting a paper.

Note: All submissions will be reviewed anonymously so please do not include any author details - this includes the actual file name.


How to submit a short paper proposal

Short paper proposals must be submitted using the Short PaperTemplate (which can be downloaded below) and via the Online Submission System. Details of the length of papers are included in the template.

Individual full and short papers should be submitted online via Oxford Abstracts. You will be asked to register with Oxford Abstracts prior to submitting a paper.

Note: All submissions will be reviewed anonymously so please do not include any author details - this includes the actual file name.

Note: Short papers will be presented as Pecha Kucha.


How to submit a symposium proposal

Please remember that if you are submitting a Symposium Proposal the Symposium Organiser must submit:

  • A title and outline of the Symposium and its rationale, with convenor name, contact email address and affiliation. Please use the Symposium Template, which can be downloaded below
  • Each of the full symposium papers (maximum 3-4) using the paper template, which can be downloaded below.
  • Please submit the above as separate Word documents.

Note: All submissions will be reviewed anonymously so please do not include any author details - this includes the actual file name.

Symposium title and description along with full Papers should be emailed to Alice Jesmont as separate files by the Symposium Organiser and NOT submitted via the Online Submission System.


Are available here:

Download Paper Template

Download Short Paper Template

Download Symposium Template (Organisers need to send a Paper Template to each author)

Individual papers and symposia papers from the previous conferences


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