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(Alphabetical by paper title)

04. 21century learning skills revisited - a conceptual paper on leaving 'gaps' and going deep
Thomas Kjærgaard and Susanne Dau
University College North, Aalborg SØ, Denmark

21. A Flipped Classroom Model for Inquiry-Based Learning in Cyprus Primary Education Context
Maria Loizou Raouna1 and Kyungmee Lee2
1Ministry of Education and Culture, Nicosia, Cyprus2Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom

52. A ‘Social Identity Approach’ as a Theory for the Design of Learning with Educational Technology: The Case of Clickers
Nicholas Bowskill1 and Vic Lally2
1University of Derby, Derby, United Kingdom2University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom

18. Amira’s complexity and cosmopolitanism: the role of disposition in mobilities and mobile learning
Michael Gallagher
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

58. Analysing learning designs of 'learning through practice' as Networked Learning
Jens Jørgen Hansen and Nina Bonderup Dohn
University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark

33. Balancing privacy and openness, using a lens of contextual integrity
Catherine Cronin
National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, Ireland

32. Communities of Practice: new modes of collaboration and networked learning ?
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay
Teluq-University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada

46. Critical Learning in the on-line classroom: An action learning approach to instructor development
Rasha Goumaa and Amanda Hay
Nottingham Trent Business School, Notthingham, United Kingdom

54. Dashboard literacy: understanding students’ response to learning analytic dashboards
Liz Bennett and Sue Folley
University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, United Kingdom

56. Designing for Networked Learning in The Third Space
Gale Parchoma1, Dorothea Nelson2 and Kristine Dreaver-Charles1
1University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada2University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada

31. Designing for invisible learners in MOOCs
Christian Dalsgaard1, Per Falkeborg2 and Tom Gislev1
1Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark2University College Absalon, Sorø, Denmark

13. Designing for youth engagement across formal and informal learning networks
Patricia Thibaut1 and Lucila Carvalho2
1Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile2Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

11. Distributed learning and isolated testing: tensions in traditional assessment practices
Tim Fawns1 and Clara O'Shea2
1University of Edinburgh, EDinburgh, United Kingdom2University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

06. Domesticating Everyday Technologies for Teaching
Wendy Freeman
Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

30. Educators, copyright and Open Education Resources in Massive Open Online Courses
Laura Czerniewicz, Andrew Deacon and Sukaina Walji
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

17. Encounters with the mobilage (virtual or actual)?
Mike Johnson
Cardiff University, Cardiff, United KingdomLancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom

50. Everyone already has their community beyond the screen: Reconceptualising learning and expanding boundaries
Kyungmee Lee
Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom

53. Exploring the geographies of academic social network sites from a socio-technical perspective: an investigation of scientific literature in Spanish
Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli1 and Stefania Manca2
1Open University of Catalonia, Ramón y Cajal Programme, Barcelona, Spain2Institute of Educational Technology, National Research Council of Italy, Genova, Italy

41. From Not-working to Node-working: Designing a Professional Learning Network
Mandia Mentis1, Alison Kearney2 and Wendy Holley-Boen1
1Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand2Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

34. Impact of MOOC-based professional development courses on self-directed and critical learning
Shahrzad Ardavani
The University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom

43. Increasing Teacher Engagement in Learning Platforms through Future Workshops
Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld
Department of Communication and PsychologyAalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark

07. Interactive Digital Learning in a University Lecture Room
Mika Sihvonen
University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland

57. Knowledge and learning in virtual communities of practice (VCoPs): theoretical underpinnings
Maria Liashenko
Minin Univrsity, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian FederationLancaster University, Lancaaster, United Kingdom

03. Knowledgeability and modes of identification in (dis)embodied boundary practice in networked learning
Marianne Riis1 and Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld2
1Metropolitan University College, København N, Denmark2Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

02. Laugh with us, not at us: parody and networked learning
Christine Sinclair
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

20. Learning how kinds matter: A posthuman rethinking Ian Hacking’s concepts of kinds, dynamic nominalism and the looping effect
Clara O'Shea
The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

14. Learning in the wild: Predicting the formation of ties in ‘Ask’ subreddit communities using ERG models
Marc Esteve Del Valle1, Anatoliy Gruzd2, Caroline Haythornthwaite3, Priya Kumar2, Sarah Gilbert4 and Drew Paulin5
1University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands2Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada3Syracuse University, Syracuse, USA4University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada5University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, USA

28. Makerspaces as complex sociomaterial assemblages: Is networking the key factor?
Marguerite Koole, Kerry Anderson and Jay Wilson
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada

19. Making digital compost: place-responsive pedagogy at a distance
Sharon Boyd
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

27. Mapping AI and Education debates: revisiting acquisition and participation metaphors for learning
Rebecca Eynon and Cory Salveson
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

36. Mapping Patterns of Relations in an Online Graduate Course: A Sociomaterialist Perspective
Marlon Simmons1, Gale Parchoma2 and Marguerite Koole2
1University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education, Calgary, Canada2University of Saskatchewan, Department of Curriculum Studies, College of Education, Saskatoon, Canada

40. Networked Learning: Theorising a ‘Manager’ Capability
Shane McMordie
Lancaster University, United Kingdom

16. Networked learning in children's transition from day-care to school: Connections between contexts
Ane Bjerre Odgaard
University of Southern Denmark, Department of Design and Communication, Kolding, Denmark

39. Networked mentoring: a natural extension of self-directed learning
Wendy Holley-Boen, Mandia Mentis and Alison Kearney
Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

49. Online knowledge construction in networked learning communities
Lai Har Judy Lee1, Rozi Binte Rahmat2, Poh Heng Lim1, Li Lin1 and Toh Hwee Tan3
1Academy of Singapore Teachers, Ministry of Education, Singapore, Singapore2Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, National Institute of Education, Singapore, Singapore3Humanities Department, Singapore Sports School, Singapore, Singapore

44. Professional development as a collaborative endeavour of networked learning in higher educational settings: Dissemination of knowledge among teacher training professionals
Marcia Håkansson Lindqvist, Jimmy Jaldemark and Peter Mozelius
Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden

29. Project Pulse: co-designing the ‘smart’ campus with Internet of (teaching and learning) Things
Jeremy Knox
The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

51. Promoting agency and identity building in dialogic learning communities online
Elsebeth Korsgaard Sorensen and Eva Irene Brooks
Aalborg University, 9220 Aalborg Oest, Denmark

24. Scope of Virtual Reality (VR) Based Disaster Preparedness Training for the Less Literate and Illiterate People
Syed Tarek
Earth Aid, London, United Kingdom

55. Social media analytics dashboard for academics and the decision-making process: A systematic literature review
Line Lisberg Christensen1 and Md. Saifuddin Khalid Ph.D2
1Department of Architecture, design and planning, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark2Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

35. Socialization and Cognitive Apprenticeship in Online Doctoral Programs
Murat Oztok1, Kyungmee Lee1 and Clare Brett2
1Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom2OISE/UT, Toronto, Canada

48. Stewarding and power in networked learning
Andrew Whitworth1 and Lee Webster2
1University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom2Alliance Manchster Business School, Manchester, United Kingdom

37. Student Inquiry, Networks of Knowledge and Linked Data
Patrick Carmichael1 and Frances Tracy2
1University of Bedfordshire, Bedford, United Kingdom2Liverpool John Moores University, LIverpool, United Kingdom

15. Students' digital learning environments
Francesco Caviglia1, Christian Dalsgaard1, Jacob Davidsen2 and Thomas Ryberg2
1Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark2Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

25. Surveillance, (dis)trust and teaching with plagiarism detection technology
Jen Ross and Hamish Macleod
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

05. "Teachers' experiences using networked technologies for teaching"
Maria Cutajar
University of Malta, Msida, Malta

47. Teachers’ beliefs about professional development and the use of collaborative online tools in higher educational settings
Peter Mozelius1, Jimmy Jaldemark2 and Marcia Håkansson Lindqvist2
1Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden2Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden

59. The Epistemic Practice of Networked Learning
Vivien Hodgson1 and David McConnell2
1Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, United Kingdom2Curtin University, Perth, Australia

23. The Unbundled University: Researching emerging models in an unequal landscape. Preliminary findings from fieldwork in South Africa
Bronwen Swinnerton1, Mariya Ivancheva1, Taryn Coop1, Carlo Perrotta1, Neil P Morris1, Rebecca Swartz2, Laura Czerniewicz2, Alan Cliff2 and Sukaina Walji2
1University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom2University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

09. The relationship between age, technology acceptance model and grades obtained in the training of professional emergency services
David Lluch and Begoña Gros
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

42. The teacher as designer? What is the role of ‘learning design’ in networked learning?
Ulla Konnerup, Thomas Ryberg and Mia Thyrre Sørensen
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

38. ThreadED: A Networked Learning Initiative
Alison Kearney, Mandia Mentis, Lucila Carvalho, Maggie Hartnett and Bevan Erueti
Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

01. Toward theorizing spatial-cultural ‘othering’ in networked learning and teaching practices
Dorothea Nelson1 and Gale Parchoma2
1University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada2University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada

45. Transforming professional learning through personal learning networks
Kay Oddone
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

10. Understanding and Identifying Cognitive Load in Networked Learning
Benjamin Kehrwald1 and Brendan Bentley2
1University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia2The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia

08. Understanding the variation in MBA students' experiences of using Learning Technology in Pakistan
Ahmad Timsal, Vivien Hodgson and Uzair Shah
Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom

12. Visualising the code: a study of student engagement with programming in a distance learning context
Elaine Thomas, Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui and Helen Jefferis
The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

26. Whose domain and whose ontology? Preserving human radical reflexivity over the efficiency of automatically generated feedback
Amanda Beattie1, Sarah Hayes1 and Petar Jandric2
1Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom2Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia

Symposium Introductions

S1. What will e-Teaching be like in a future networked university?
Symposium Organiser: Professor Michael Power
Faculty of Education, Université Laval

S2. Networked learning & the challenges for Higher Education: Linking today with the future
Symposium Organiser: Martha Burkle
Centre for Learning & Innovation, Assiniboine College, Canada

Workshop Introductions

W/S1. Designing, deploying, and studying internationally networked collaboration: The Trans-Atlantic and Pacific Project (TAPP) model
Elisabet Arnó, Ann Hill Duin, Bruce Maylath, Birthe Mousten, Giuseppe Palumbo, Sonia Vandepitte, Greta Goetz
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain, University of Minnesota, USA, North Dakota State University, USA,  Aalborg University/Aarhus University, Denmark,  University of Trieste, Italy, Ghent University, Belgium. University of Belgrade, Serbia.


W/S2. Are you readieee? Taking the “eek” out of participating in fully online communities: Exploring Readiness using the Fully Online Learning Community (FOLC) Model
Elizabeth Childs and Roland van Oostveen
Royal Roads University, Victoria, Canada. University of Ontario, Ontario, Canada.

W/S3. Pathways to openness in NWL research: the case of Open Data
Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli
Open University of Catalonia, Spain.

W/S4. Online Peer Observation: Research and Practice
Nick Bowskill, Susan Brock, Maria MavrommatiUniversity of Derby, Derby, 2UK, Laureate University

W/S5. Bridging the gap between Networked Learning and Learning Analytics
Daria Kilinska, Thomas Ryberg, Frederik Victor Kobbelgaard
Aalborg University, Denmark.

W/S6. (withdrawn) Popular education and online learning
Peter Shukie

W/S7. Leadership in Learning Networks: how can conveners use networked learning perspectives in convening people and learning networks?
Sebo Boerma & Marc Coenders, Anna Veeneman-Aukema, Simon Henk Luimstra
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands. ROC Alfa-College. Drenthe College/Gemeente Emmen

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