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Keynote Speakers

Laura Czerniewicz

Laura Czerniewicz Is Director of the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT) at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, Laura Czerniewicz is an associate professor in the Centre for Higher Education Development, committed to equity of access and success in higher education. Her research interests include the technologically-mediated practices of students and academics, the nature of the changing higher education environment and the geopolitics of knowledge, underpinned by a commitment to surfacing the expressions of inequality within and across contexts. She is presently leading a project on the Unbundled University: Researching emerging models in an unequal landscape (http://unbundleduni.com/) together with colleagues at Leeds University. Laura is involved with policy work, is a contributor to national and global conversations in varied formats and serves on the advisory boards of a variety of international higher education educational and technology publications.

Much of her work is online at: https://uct.academia.edu/LauraCzerniewicz

She blogs intermittently and can be followed on Twitter as @czernie .

Laura's keynote: Rebundling higher education in an age of inequality

As blended learning and digitisation increasingly characterise emergent forms of teaching and learning provision in higher education, the sector is also being shaped by changing relationships, unbundling in multiple forms and marketization. This talk will describe the confluence of these trends, consider whose interests are being served as rebundled forms come into being and focus on the implications for addressing access and equity in an age of inequality.

Juha Suoranta

Juha Souranta

Juha Suoranta is Tenured Professor of Adult Education in the University of Tampere, Finland. In his research work he has been interested in critical pedagogy, public sociology, and critical adult and media education. In his career he has worked as Visiting Scholar in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1996–97) and UCLA (2003), and as Visiting Professor in University of Minnesota (2005–6). In addition to his research work he has served as vice dean and dean in the Faculty of Education (University of Tampere, 2007–2012). He has authored, co-authored and edited 35 books among them Children in the Information Society (2004), Radical Education (2005, in Finnish), Education and the Spirit of Time (2006), Wikiworld (2010), Hidden in Plain Sight. How I Sheltered a Refugee (2011), Artistic Research Methodology (2014), Rebellious Research (2014, in Finnish) and C. Wright Mills’s Sociological Life (2017, in Finnish).

Juha's keynote: Wikilearning and Postdigital Critical Pedagogy

In my presentation I introduce the concept of wikilearning as a means of self-directed and collectively organized mass communication and the idea of the communist Internet as an end of postdigital critical pedagogy. I argue that by using digital tools such as wikis, crowd-sourced and editable platforms in the Internet, people are becoming critically aware of the possibilities of autonomous horizontal communication and learning in the digital networks, and are able to use those possibilities effectively for the common good, and eventually overcoming the exploitative capitalist condition of life.

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