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The Learning and Teaching Support Network sponsors the Networked Learning 2002 Conference
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Paper - Name - B

Name Title

Bacigalupo, R

Collaborative, problem-based learning on-line: a multimedia case study approach
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Baloglu, A Various approaches to successful e-learning implementations
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Barker, M High level student autonomy in a virtual learning environment
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Basiel, A PROS (Promoting Researchers Online Supervision) Needs Analysis: Establishing the needs of the online research process and The (ViPER) Virtual Project Environment for Research Taxonomy
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Bath, P Collaborative, problem-based learning on-line: a multimedia case study approach
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Beeby, M Supporting institutional change: an experiment in computer supported collaborative learning - a report on research in progress
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Beer, M Investigation into the roles of agents in supporting students working on group projects online
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Bird, L 'Action Learning Sets: the case for running them online'
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Blake, C.T Communicating science: content and interaction analysis of CMC
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Blass, E An evaluation instrument for on-line learning and teaching
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Bolander, K Networked learning in the real world: collaboration versus competition
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Booth, A Collaborative, problem-based learning on-line: a multimedia case study approach
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Bothams, J.F Barriers to online learning - the experience of the Scottish Executive Business Development Unit
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Bothams, J.F What Really Matters In Operations Management Learning and Teaching
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Briggs, J M-learning as a means of supporting learners: tomorrow's technologies are already her, how can we most effectively use them in the e-learning age?
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Broumley,E Staff Development for networked learning: learning from staff and students
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Browne, E Beyond our wildest dreams, an evaluation of conversational learning using Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
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Burchardt, J A researchers paradise: high quality services on the internet
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Bates, D Grounding staff development for networked learning environments
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Bruce, S Grounding staff development for networked learning environments
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Fretwell Downing Learning Sponsors the Networked Learning 2002 Conference



The Teaching and Learning Technology Programme sponsors The Networked Learning 2002 Conference



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