Networked Learning Conference 2008
Home > Session 3

Parallel Session 3

Monday 5th May: 16.30 - 17.45




Networked Learning and Interculturality: Perspectives on Working in Intercultural Contexts
Symposium Organiser: David McConnell, Lancaster University


Aristotle 1


Research Papers

ArchWeb Forum: An Archaeology Oriented Web Environment
K. Kechagias, D. Politis, Informatics Dept., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The Data Flow Problem in Learning Design: A Case Study
Luis Palomino-Ramírez, Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Yannis A. Dimitriadis, University of Valladolid.
Luis de la Fuente-Valentín, University Carlos III of Madrid.
Modelling and Applying Learning Strategies in a Networked Higher Educational Context

Maria Skiadelli, National Technical University of Athens,
Cleo Sgouropoulou, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Yanis Maistros, National Technical University of Athens.
Decisions on Networked Learning based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Athanasios Tsadiras, Demosthenes Stamatis, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki.

Aristotle 2


Research Papers

Blogging for beginners? Using blogs and eportfolios in Teacher Education
Julie Hughes, Emma Purnell, University of Wolverhampton.
Using a Mediated Environments Reference Model to evaluate learners’ experiences of Second Life
Mark Childs, University of Warwick.
A World I Don’t Inhabit: Disquiet and Identity In Second Life and Facebook
Stuart Boon, Christine Sinclair, University of Strathclyde.
Fluid Centrality of Social-Technical Relations in a Networked Environment
Judith Guevarra Enriquez

Pela Room


Research Papers

Researching tutors’ perceptions of effective online pedagogy: The Learning Activity Analysis Tool
Gordon Joyes, University of Nottingham.
“Before You Know Where You Are, You Have a Sequence” - Designing for Inquiry-based Learning with the Learning Activity Management System (LAMS)
Philippa Levy, Sabine Little, University of Sheffield, Oloaojo Aiyegbayo, University of Leicester.
Activity Theory as a theoretical framework for the study of blended learning: a case study
Ilias Karasavvidis, University of Thessaly.
Adaptivity and adaptation: which complementarities in a learning personalization process?
D. Verpoorten, L. Petit, J.-L. Castaigne, D. Leclercq, University of Liège.

Alexandros Reception


Research Papers

Facilitate the Facilitator: Awareness Tools to Support the Moderator to Facilitate Online Discussions for Networked Learning
Maarten de Laat, Mike Chamrada, Rupert Wegerif, The University of Exeter.
Content Analysis as a Means of Quality Assurance as Exemplified in a Course on Organisational Development
Sonja Kabicher, Renate Motschnig-Pitrik, University of Vienna.
Rating the quality of collaboration during networked problem solving activities
Eleni Voyiatzaki, University of Patras, Anne Meier, University of Freiburg, Georgios Kahrimanis, University of Patras, Nikol Rummel, University of Freiburg, Hans Spada, University of Freiburg, Nikolaos Avouris, University of Patras.
Helping Educators Analyse Interactions within Networked Learning Communities: A Framework and the AnalyticsTool System
Ourania Petropoulou, Symeon Retalis, Konstantinos Siassiakos
University of Piraeus, Stamos Karamouzis, Regis University, Theodoros Kargidis, Technological Institute of Thessaloniki.

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