Networked Learning Conference 2008
Home > Session 5

Parallel Session 5

Tuesday 6th May: 12.00 - 13.15




Learning Cultures in Online Education
Symposium Organiser: Robin Goodfellow, The Open University.
New Directions in Research into Learning Cultures in Online Education
Robin Goodfellow, The Open University,
Constructing ethnicity and identity in the online classroom: linguistic practices and ritual text acts
Leah P. Macfadyen, The University of British Columbia.
Cultural Ecologies in Online Learning
Anne Hewling, The Open University.

Aristotle 1



Flourish:the ecpd project
Symposium Organisers: Sarah Chesney, James Howard, University of Cumbria.
Flourish: the eCPD Project: Supporting the integration of eportfolios for continuing professional development.
James Howard, Sarah Chesney, University of Cumbria.
About PebblePad
Shane Sutherland, Pebble Learning.
E-Portfolios: A Student Perspective
Kim McGowan, University of Cumbria.

Aristotle 2



Methodologies for researching the learning in Networked Learning
Symposium Organiser: Shirley Alexander, University of Technology, Sydney.
Researching networked learning generatively
Lynette Schaverien, University of Technology, Sydney,
Prof. Shirley Alexander, University of Technology, Sydney.
Researching Learning in Networked Learning – Phenomenography and Variation theory as empirical and theoretical approaches.
Shirley Booth
Lund University, University of the Witwatersrand.
Ethnomethodology as an Approach to Researching Networked Learning
Stephen Fox, Lancaster University.

Pela Room


Research Papers

An integrated multimedia e-learning model for vocational training
Arne B. Mikalsen, Bjørn Klefstad, Svend Andreas Horgen, Thorleif Hjeltnes, The research foundation TISIP and Sør-Trøndelag University College.
Understanding the role of technology within a Communities of Practice of small businesses
Sue Peters, Lancaster University.
New Collaborative and Cooperative Just-in-Time Training Methods at the Workplace
John B. Stav, Roger Bergh, Sør-Trøndelag University College. Hariklia Tsalapatas, University of Thessaly.

Alexandros Reception



Exploring the sustainability and economic viability of lifelong e-learning programs
Colloquium Organisers: Symeon Retalis - University of Piraeus & S Goumas,
A comprehensive view of ROI from a U.S. perspective.
M. Dumestre, Regis University, USA
Quality assurance models for e-training programs
T. Kargidis, P.Kefalas, D. Stamatis, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Developing sustainable e-learning courses – the Norwegian experience
T. Hjeltnes, TISIP Foundation, Norway
Measuring the viability of lifelong e-learning programs of the Greek Ministry of Education
S. Retalis, K. Siasiakos, G. Korres, University of Piraeus, Greece

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