Conference Proceedings (Full Papers)

Keynote | Symposia | Individual Research Papers | Workshops | Posters



Virtual Teaching Tools: Bringing Academics Closer to the Design of e-Learning
Diana Laurillard and Patrick McAndrew


1. Researching Underpinnings of the UK eUniversity

Review of E-Learning for Education and Training
Robin Mason

An Innovative Model for eLearning Delivery: the United Kingdom eUniversity
John Slater

2. Change for Networked Learning

Introducing Networked Learning via a Community Network: a Teaching and Learning Strategy in Action
Liz Beaty, Glynis Cousin and Frances Deepwell

Developing Institutional Readiness for Networked Learning: University of Sheffield Case Study
Sheena Banks and Adrian Powell

Trans-institutional Implementation of Peer to Peer Networked Learning - the Virtual Learning Space Case Study
Rachel Harris and Rory Ewins

3. Approaches to Developing a Theoretical Understanding of Networked Learing:

From Personal Inquiry to Generic Coding Fast Coding of On-line Learning Behaviours using an 'Elements' Approach
Helen Chappel, Erica McAteer, Rachel Harris, Sally Marsden

Characterising On-line Learning Environments
Erica McAteer, Andy Tolmie, Rachel Harris, Helen Chappel, Sally Marsden, Vic Lally

Understanding Networked Learning: A Personal Inquiry into an Experience of Adult Learning On-line
Sarah Mann

Charting Change in Networked Learners: What can We Learn about What They Learn?
Sue Tickner

4. Knowledge Construction and On-line Environments

Discourses on Collaborative Networked Learning
Catherine Edwards

Construction of Professional Knowledge within an On-line environment: the Case of Teacher On-line Forums
Michael Hammond

Doing Constructivist Action Research about Networked Learning and Teaching: a Case Study Reflection
Philippa Levy

5. Ideas of Community and Implications for Theorising Networked Learning

Networks and Communities: an Actor-Network Critique of Ideas on Community and Implications for Networked Learning
Steve Fox

Ideas of Community within Education
Vivien Hodgson and Michael Reynolds

Walk On By: Exploring Anarchist Possibilities for the Re-conceptualisation of theVirtual Community
Linda Perriton and Patrick Reedy

6. Accessible Technology for Networked Learning

A Content Management System for the TILE Managed Learning Environment
Chris Jesshope and Zhenzi Zhang

Interactive Multimedia for Dummies
Regina Gehne and Chris Jesshope

Beyond Just Reply: Multimedia Support for Online Learning
Eva Heinrich

Teaching Mathematics with Audiograph
Maureen Loomes, Alex Shafarenko and Martin Loomes

CHALLENGE - An Intuitive, Goal-based scenario Authoring System for Electronic Learning
Terry Stewart and Paul Bartrum

7. The Politics of Networked Learning

Is There a Policy for Networked Learning?
Chris Jones

Flexibility as Myth? New Technologies and Post-Fordism in Higher Education
Sue Clegg and John Steel

Applying National Politics: Linking Strategy with Local Developments
Grainne Conole

Complexity, Uncertainty and Autonomy: the Politics of Networked Learning
George Roberts

8. Elaborating Collaborative interactions in Networked Learning:

A Multi-Method Approach Deciphering Individual Learning Processes in Virtual Professional Development
Vic Lally and Maarten Delaat

Network and Content Analysis in an Online Community Discourse
Maarten Delaat

Squaring the Circle: Triangulating Content and Social Network Analysis
Vic Lally

9. e-learning Groups and Communities of Practice

Developing Communities of Interest in a European Internet School
Martin Beer, Sharon Green, Gillian Armitt, Andrew Sixsmith, Johanna van Bruggen,
Ramon Daniels, Ludo Ghyselen, Jan Sandqvist and Frances Slack

Retrofitting Theory to practice - a Reflection on the Development of an e-Learning Community
Rachel A Harris and Jenny Niven

Negotiation, Identity And Knowledge in e-Learning Communities
David McConnell

POLARIS: A Tool For The Support Of Interactions In Learning Communities
Frans Ronteltap

Exchanging stories in Learning Circles, an Imaginative Experience
Diana Shore

The Potential for the Use of Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) in Teacher Professional
Maria Zenios, Frank Banks and Bob Moon

10. Phenomenography and Networked Learning

Phenomenological Enquiry into Manager Learning Orientation and Study Approach When Learning with Technology
Elizabeth Houldsworth and Vivien Hodgson

Opening the Variation in Web-based Discussion: an Empirical Study
Shirley Booth and Magnus Hultén

Considering Context for Networked Learning in a Phenomenographic Perspective
Magnus Hultén and Shirley Booth


High Level Student Autonomy in a Virtual Learning Environment
Barbara Allan, Mike Barker, Kate Fairbairn, Margaret Freeman, Pam Sutherland

An Action Research Approach to the Design and Implementation of an On-line Course in Applied
Mechanics 289 Anthony J Allinson

Various Approaches to Successful E-learning Implementations
Arzu Baloglu

PROS (Promoting Researchers Online Supervision) Project: The ViPER (Virtual Project Environment for Research) Taxonomy and Needs Analysis Study
Anthony 'Skip' Basiel

Action Learning Sets: the Case for Running Them Online
Len Bird

What Really Matters in Operations Management Learning and Teaching
John F Bothams

Barriers to On-line learning - the Experience of the Scottish Executive Business Development Unit
John F. Bothams and Lesley Fordyce

Beyond our Wildest Dreams, an Evaluation of Conversational Learning using Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Elizabeth Browne

A Researchers Paradise: High Quality Services on the Internet for Research and Life-long Learning
Jørgen Burchardt

'He who Rides the Tiger Cannot Dismount' - Implementation of E-learning Within Company Strategies
Sadie Williams and John Burgoyne

On-line Support for Students on Work Placements, Lessons Learned from a Pilot using WebCT Managed Learning Environment
Gill Cressey

The Online Learning Environment: a Personal Experience of Collaboration
Lucilla Crosta

Research in Educational Technology: framing MEG's Work
Laura Czerniewicz

Are FE/HE Staff ICT Competent? A Report from the tRISSt Research Project
Dean Garratt, Peter Gilroy, Diane Saxon and Clive Cairns

Promoting Best Practice for E-tutoring through Staff Development
Catherine Gerrard

The BA in the Internet, Learning and Organizations: a peer to peer approach to distance learning
Sarah Holyfield, Oleg Liber, Paul Richardson, Christina Smart

Developments in Generative Learning Using a Collaborative Learning Environment
Gordon Joyes, Tony Fisher & Do Coyle

Access to e-Learning in Higher Education by Disabled Students: Current Public Policy Issues
Ozcan Konur

Social Aspects of Collaborative Learning in Virtual Learning Environments
Johann Laister and Sandra Kober

Collaborative, Problem-based Learning On-line: Developing a Multimedia Case Study Approach
Philippa Levy, Ruth Bacigalupo, Peter Bath, Barry Eaglestone, Andrew Booth,
Gabi Diercks-O'Brien, Paula Procter, Mark Sanderson

An Experiment in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) on an Undergraduate Business Module
Sarah Mackie & Mick Beeby

Grounding Staff Development for Networked Learning Environments
Erica McAteer, Allison Littlejohn, Susi Peacock, Charles Juwah, Dennis Bates, Stephen Bruce

Researching the Tutor in Online Practice: Reflections on an Appropriate Research Methodology
Teresa Mc Conlogue and Nick Bowskill

The Time is Right - an ICT framework for Networked Learning
Terry Morris

Supporting Student-Centred Teaching with New Media - Case Study and Experience Report
Renate Motschnig-Pitrik

Knowledge Management in Online Distance Education
Adisorn Na Ubon, Chris Kimble

Motivation to use Online Learning Communities: A Methodological Outline
Jennifer Niven , Rachel A Harris, and Dorothy Williams

Computer-Mediated Argumentation in Higher Education: Developing Discussion Skills via Roles
Rachel Pilkington

Academic Staff Attitudes Towards the Use and Production of Networked Learning Resources
Louise Plewes and Kim Issroff

Communal Constructivism and Networked Learning: Reflections on a Case Study
Richard Pountney, Sadie Parr, Vic Whittaker

Delivering an Online Global Masters Degree: How Can We Manage Learning in a Managed Learning Environment?
Susannah Quinsee, Jo Wood

Co-operation between Universities in Web-based Learning - Management Issues
Austin Reid

Working across Boundaries: Tutor Experiences of On-campus Networked Learning (blended
with Face-to-face Teaching)
Gillian Roberts

Towards a Managed Learning Environment in Medical Education: Sheffield's Story
Chris Roberts, Mary Lawson, David Newble, Ashley Self

Designing for Interaction
Andrew D Sackville

Networked Learning in the Real World: Collaboration versus Competition
Maddy Schlater and Klara Bolander

The Effect on Staff Perceptions of Online Learning when Using a Non-traditional Approach to Staff Development
Vicki Simpson

M-learning as a Means of Supporting Learners: Tomorrow's Technologies are Already Here, How Can We Most Effectively Use Them in the e-Learning Age?
Andy Stone, Graham Alsop, Jonathan Briggs, Chris Tompsett

Play and its Role in Online Learning
Hilary Thomas

A Survey of Technologies Supporting Virtual Project Based Learning
Håkon Tolsby, Tom Nyvang, Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld

Perceptions of Learning and Perceptions of Being Taught: Adult Learner Reactions to an Interactive Website
Bob Toynton

Factors that Influence Take Up of an Institutional VLE by Individual Lecturers - Preliminary Findings
John Traxler

From Distance Education to e Learning: Philosophical and Design Imperatives
Ranga Venkatachary

Staff Development for Networked Learning: Learning from Staff and Students
Elisabet Weedon, Liz Broumley and Colleen MacLean

Investigation into the Roles of Agents in Supporting Students Working on Group Projects Online
Janice Whatley and Martin Beer

Can Web-Based Environments Talk the Talk?
Matthew Wheeler

Looking through Three 'I's: the Pedagogic Use of Streaming Video
Clive Young and Mireia Asensio


The CHCC Project: Developing the Collection of Contemporary and Historical Census Data and related Materials into a Major Learning Teaching Resource
Jackie Carter

Online Induction Programmes: Developing and Evaluating Transitional Online Support
Gerry Goldsmith and Clare Milligan

How To Always Get The Jammie Dodger: Developing the Online Management Development Facilitator
Matthew Holmes, Robin Hoyle, Lucy Marder, Martin Tate


Working Across Professional Boundaries
Adele Atkinson and Kath Start

PROS (Promoting Researchers Online Supervision) Project: The ViPER (Virtual Project Environment for Research) Taxonomy and Needs Analysis Study
Anthony 'Skip' Basiel

Can E-learning Provide Learning Opportunities for Muslim women of Ethnic Minorities who for Cultural Reasons Prefer Not to Participate in Education by Traditional Means?
Alison Hramiak

How Was It for You? Student and Staff Experiences of e-Learning
Liz McDowell and Pat Gannon-Leary

Tutor Interventions in Distance Learning
Paul Richardson and Oleg Liber

Integration of the L3 learning environment into WiBA-Net Project
Arun Kumar Tripathi, Guido Robling, Jana Trnkova and Karin Tilack

The Use of Distributed Learning to Support Students with Dyslexia at the University of East London
E. Wright and G. Hughes

Networked Learning and the SIfT Model
C. M. Whitehouse, C. S. Durbin and H. U. Shah

Learning and Working in a Co-operative Virtual Environment
Montse Guitert, Ferran Giménez, Teresa Lloret

Group Modelling Method in Web-Based Collaborative Learning Environments
Jianhua Zhao and David McConnell