Networked Learning Conference 2008
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Author Names & Institutions
(Symposium Conveynor/s *)
Symposium Title
Shirley Alexander*
Lynette Schaverien
University of Technology, Sydney
Shirley Booth
Lund University, Sweden,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Steve Fox
Lancaster University
Methodologies for researching the learning in Networked Learning
Helen Beetham*
Independent consultant
R.S. Hyde
P.R Bullen,
University of Hertfordshire
Judy Hardy
Denise Haywood
Simon Bates
Jessie Paterson
Susan Rhind
Hamish Macleod
Jeff Haywood
The University of Edinburgh
Mary Thorpe
Gráinne Conole
Rob Edmunds
The Open University
Mark Childs
Rossana Espinoza-Ramos
University of Warwick
Learners' Experience of e-Learning: Research from the UK
Bernadette Charlier*
University of Fribourg
Amaury Daele
University of Fribourg
Lilliane Esnault*
France Henri
Université du Québec à Montréal
Murray Saunders
University of Lancaster
ePrep (France)
Annick Rossier
University of Fribourg
Adil El Ghali
Alain Giboin,
INRIA Méditérranée - Sophia Antipolis
Christine Vanoirbeek
EPFL - Lausanne
Sandy El Helou
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Manolis Tzagarakis
Research Academic Computer Technology Institute
Denis Gillet
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Nikos Karacapilidis
University of Patras and Research Academic Computer Technology Institute
Chiu Man Yu
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
When CoPs and researchers collaborate to invent life long learning practices: PALETTE project stories
Sarah Chesney*
University of Cumbria
James Howard*
University of Cumbria
Shane Sutherland
Pebble Learning
Kim McGowan
University of Cumbria
Flourish:the ecpd project
Robin Goodfellow*
The Open University
Leah P. Macfadyen
The University of British Columbia
Anne Hewling
Open University
Learning Cultures in Online Education
Caroline Haythornthwaite*
Bill Cope
Mary Kalantzis
Bertram C. Bruce
Damian Duffy
Allison N. Clark
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Making the Transition to Ubiquitous Learning
Vivien Hodgson*
Maria Zenios
Gale Parchoma
Debra Ferreday
Lancaster University
Peter Goodyear
University of Sydney
Chris Jones
Open University
Thomas Ryberg
Aalborg University
Mary Dykes
University of Saskatchewan
Where is the Learning in Networked Learning?
Chris Jones*
The Open University
Nina Bonderup Dohn
University of Southern Denmark
Thomas Ryberg
Aalborg University
Ray Land
University of Strathclyde
Siân Bayne
University of Edinburgh
Breaching the Garden Walls? Social media, institutions, infrastructures and design for learning
Charalampos Karagiannidis*
Sofia Efraimidou
University of Thessaly
Adamantios Koumpis*
Francesco Molinari
ALTEC Information and Communication Services
Nicolaos Protogeros
University of Macedonia
Democratising Online Education through Innovative Methods and Tools: the case of Living Labs
David McConnell*
Nicholas Bowskill
Lancaster University
Sheena Banks
University of Sheffield
Michael Reynolds
Lancaster University
Kiran Trehan
Lancaster University
Zhenhong Zhang
Ronghuai Huang
Beijing Normal University
Networked Learning and Interculturality: Perspectives on Working in Intercultural Contexts
Robert Pinter*
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Chris Sadler
Middlesex University
Tarmo Kalvet
Praxis Center for Policy Studies
István Bessenyei
University of West Hungary
Veronika Stoffa
János Selye University
Kerstin V. Siakas
Alexander Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki
Information Society Studies in Practice - a Networked Learning Case Study
S. Retalis*
University of Piraeus
S. Goumas.
M. Dumestre
T. Kargidis
D. Stamatis

Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
T. Hjeltnes
TISIP Foundation, Norway
K. Siasiakos
G. Korres
University of Piraeus

Exploring the sustainability and economic viability of lifelong e-learning programs
Andrew Sackville*
Edge Hill University
The Networked Community in Module CPD461
Edge Hill University
Cathy Sherratt
Edge Hill University
So what REALLY happens in networked learning?
Demosthenes Stamatis*
Theodoros Kargidis*
Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
P. Belsis,
C. Sgouropoulou
K. Sfikas
G. Pantziou
C. Skourlas
J. Varnas
Technological Educational Institute of Athens
T. Alevizos
V. Tsoukalas
Technological Educational Institute of Kavala
Kostas Vassilakis
Nikos Psaroudakis
Michail Kalogiannakis
Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Crete
Georgios Kabouridis
TEI Patras
Embedding Networked Learning in Greek Higher Education Institutions: Policy and Practice



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