text only version.
Networked Learning 2004 Logo
Important Dates
Purpose of Conference
Conference Proceedings
Further Information
Conference Organisers
Conference Timetable
Conference Programme
Keynote Address
Equel Event
Venue and Location

Welcome to the networked learning conference, 2004, Website

The Networked Learning 2004 Conference is a research-based conference on networked learning in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning.

The conference includes a special dissemination event for the European Commission supported project EQUEL on E-Quality in E-learning

Venue: Lancaster University, England, UK
Monday 5th to Wednesday 7th April, 2004 at Lancaster University, UK

This is the fourth Networked Learning Conference. Our previous conferences have welcomed researchers, practitioners, students, policy makers, staff developers and managers from across the globe. Some attendees travelled from as far as India, Hong Kong, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and North America to this three day conference.

Those attending the conference have told us that it is a very friendly event during which it is easy to get to know people, share experiences and generally network. Attendees appreciate the care we take to welcome them and ensure they have a useful and enjoyable three days.

The venue this year is the beautiful campus of Lancaster University, situated on the borders of the Lake District in the north of England where there is some of the country’s most glorious countryside.

Our Sponsors are:

<European Commission E-Learning Action>

Site designed and maintained by Luke Miller