text only version.
Networked Learning 2004 Logo
Important Dates
Purpose of Conference
Conference Proceedings
Further Information
Conference Organisers
Conference Timetable
Conference Programme
Keynote Address
Equel Event
Venue and Location
Venue / Location

The Conference will take place in the George Fox Centre www.lancs.ac.uk/users/conferences/concent within the Lancaster University Site. This website will provide all information delegates should need - further information can be obtained from the organisers.

Additional information on Lancaster and the surrounding areas can be obtained from http://www.lake-district.gov.uk/

If you would like to stay in Lancaster (which is about 3 miles away from the University campus), there are several small hotels and a range of Bed-and-Breakfast accommodation. For details click here. Unless you have your own transport, we do not recommend that you stay in Morecambe or Heysham, as it can take up to an hour to get between these places and the University on public transport.

Site designed and maintained by Luke Miller