text only version.
Networked Learning 2004 Logo
Important Dates
Purpose of Conference
Conference Proceedings
Further Information
Conference Organisers
Conference Timetable
Conference Programme
Keynote Address
Equel Event
Venue and Location
Purpose of the Conference

The conference is an opportunity to participate in a forum for the critical examination and analysis of research into networked learning ie learning and teaching carried out largely via the Internet/Web which emphasises dialogical learning, collaborative and cooperative learning, group work, interaction with on-line materials, knowledge production.

Papers which critically report the results of research and evaluation in Networked Learning are invited on the main themes of:

  • e-learning, e-tutoring
  • distributed communities
  • working across boundaries
  • international and cross cultural issues
  • relationships between research, theory, policy and practice
  • institutional innovation and sustainability
  • methodologies for researching NL
  • new technologies for supporting NL
  • designing for learning networked learning

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