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Invited Speakers

We are delighted to have secured the following international speakers who will participate in a policy panel during the next Networked Learning Conference. The panel will look at the relationship between networked learning research and policy.

david boudProfessor David Boud
University of Technology, Sydney

David Boud is Professor of Adult Education at the University of Technology, Sydney. He has written extensively on teaching, learning and assessment in higher, professional and adult education and has been President of the Higher Education Society of Australasia (HERDSA).

His most recent books (written or edited with various others) are 'Working with Experience: Animating Learning', 'Understanding Learning at Work' (both Routledge); ' Work-Based Learning: A New Higher Education?' (SRHE/Open University Press); and 'Peer Learning in Higher Education: Learning From and With Each Other' (Kogan Page).

For the past five years he has been part of the team which designed and is running an International Masters in Adult Learning and Global Change. This is a web-based program equally involving four universities on four different continents. It involves extensive cross-country collaboration between students. www.education.uts.edu.au/news/globalchange.html

Currently he is involved in research on informal learning in workplaces and sustainable assessment practices for lifelong learning.

For further information: www.davidboud.com

liz beatyDoctor Liz Beaty
Director of Teaching and Learning
Higher Education Funding Council England

Dr Liz Beaty joined HEFCE as  Director (Learning and Teaching ) in November 2002. Previously she was Professor of Higher Education Development and Director of the Centre (CHED) at Coventry University where she led a team developing online learning. Liz has a PhD from Surrey University and conducted research into student learning at the Open University and more recently within the Teaching and Learning Research Programme with colleagues from Coventry, Durham and Edinburgh Universities. She worked in educational and management development at Newcastle Polytechnic, and the University of Brighton. She is a Fellowship holder of the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) and was co-chair from 1996 to 2000 helping to develop  the teacher accreditation scheme. Her publications span students' experiences of higher education, experiential and action learning, and strategies for educational change.

Professor Diana Laurillard
Head, e-Learning Strategy Unit
Department for Education and Skills, UK

Diana Laurillard is Head of the e-Learning Strategy Unit at the UK Government's Department for Education and Skills, and is Visiting Professor at The Open University. She is responsible for developing a coherent e-learning strategy for the Department across all the education sectors, including training, home-based learning, workplace learning, and partnerships with private suppliers.

Professor Laurillard previously held two terms of office as Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the Open University. During that period she was responsible for developing the appropriate use of learning technologies within the full range of learning and teaching methods in the University's courses, and for the structural reform at the heart of its course production operations. By the end of her second term, over 160,000 students were connecting online to the OU for aspects of their study, and over half the courses had integrated e-learning with more traditional methods. Her academic work spans more than twenty-five years of research, development and evaluation of interactive multimedia materials and internet services in education and training, covering a wide range of discipline areas. Her book ‘Rethinking University Teaching' (Routledge Falmer, 2 nd edition 2002), has been widely acclaimed, and is still used as a set book in courses on learning technology all over the world. This work has been recognized through her honorary degrees from the University of Abertay , and the Open University of the Netherlands . She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts andan Honorary Fellow of University College London ..

corinneMs Corinne Hermant-de Callatay
Actions SOCRATES-MINERVA et eLearning
European Commission

Corinne Hermant-de Callataÿ, Principal Administrator at the European Commission, Unit C4 'Multimedia for education, training and youth' of the Directorate General 'Education and Culture'.


Corinne is in charge of the part of the SOCRATES programme (European cooperation in education) dealing with the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in education and Open and Distance Learning: the MINERVA action.


She is currently involved in the implementation and follow-up of the e Learning Action Plan, which is a Community framework for projects and policy initiatives in the field of ICT in learning.


Before joining the Commission in 1988 she was in charge of educational technology in a French publicly-funded centre (CESTA) where the first European resource centre on educational software materials was set up in 1983. She has also been involved, as a social science researcher, in investigating the social and organisational impact of new technologies. She wrote a book and contributed to several publications on the educational use of ICT, and on the public acceptance of new technology.

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