text only version.
Networked Learning 2004 Logo
Important Dates
Purpose of Conference
Conference Proceedings
Further Information
Conference Organisers
Conference Timetable
Conference Programme
Keynote Address
Equel Event
Venue and Location
Conference Timetable

Please Note: Draft to be confirmed

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday
09.00 - 10.45 FREE 3 x 3 Symposium 3 x 3 Symposium
10.45 - 11.15 Free/coffee coffee coffee
11.15 - 13.00 Registration and lunch from 12.30 3 x 3 Symposium

Panel discussion and end of conference.

Panel Members:

  • Professor David Boud
  • Dr Liz Beaty
  • Professor Diana Laurillard
  • Ms Corinne Hermant-De Callatay
1.00 - 14.00 lunch lunch Lunch and buses to station
2.00 - 15.30 Opening session and plenary:

Professor David Boud (University of Technology, Sydney)
Poster Session  
3.30 - 16.00 Tea and Coffee Tea and Coffee  
4.00 - 17.45 3 x 3 Symposium 3 x 3 Symposium  
17.45 EQUEL Event    
19.00 Reception and dinner Dinner and entertainment  

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